Kaydet (Commit) e119006e authored tarafından Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters

Whitespace normalization. Top level of Lib now fixed-point for reindent.py!

üst b90f89a4
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## vim:ts=4:et:nowrap
"""A user-defined wrapper around string objects
Note: string objects have grown methods in Python 1.6
Note: string objects have grown methods in Python 1.6
This module requires Python 1.6 or later.
from types import StringType, UnicodeType
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class UserString:
self.data = seq
elif isinstance(seq, UserString):
self.data = seq.data[:]
self.data = str(seq)
def __str__(self): return str(self.data)
def __repr__(self): return repr(self.data)
......@@ -76,15 +76,15 @@ class UserString:
return self.__class__(self.data.encode(encoding, errors))
return self.__class__(self.data.encode(encoding))
return self.__class__(self.data.encode())
def endswith(self, suffix, start=0, end=sys.maxint):
return self.data.endswith(suffix, start, end)
def expandtabs(self, tabsize=8):
def expandtabs(self, tabsize=8):
return self.__class__(self.data.expandtabs(tabsize))
def find(self, sub, start=0, end=sys.maxint):
def find(self, sub, start=0, end=sys.maxint):
return self.data.find(sub, start, end)
def index(self, sub, start=0, end=sys.maxint):
def index(self, sub, start=0, end=sys.maxint):
return self.data.index(sub, start, end)
def isalpha(self): return self.data.isalpha()
def isalnum(self): return self.data.isalnum()
......@@ -99,23 +99,23 @@ class UserString:
def ljust(self, width): return self.__class__(self.data.ljust(width))
def lower(self): return self.__class__(self.data.lower())
def lstrip(self): return self.__class__(self.data.lstrip())
def replace(self, old, new, maxsplit=-1):
def replace(self, old, new, maxsplit=-1):
return self.__class__(self.data.replace(old, new, maxsplit))
def rfind(self, sub, start=0, end=sys.maxint):
def rfind(self, sub, start=0, end=sys.maxint):
return self.data.rfind(sub, start, end)
def rindex(self, sub, start=0, end=sys.maxint):
def rindex(self, sub, start=0, end=sys.maxint):
return self.data.rindex(sub, start, end)
def rjust(self, width): return self.__class__(self.data.rjust(width))
def rstrip(self): return self.__class__(self.data.rstrip())
def split(self, sep=None, maxsplit=-1):
def split(self, sep=None, maxsplit=-1):
return self.data.split(sep, maxsplit)
def splitlines(self, keepends=0): return self.data.splitlines(keepends)
def startswith(self, prefix, start=0, end=sys.maxint):
def startswith(self, prefix, start=0, end=sys.maxint):
return self.data.startswith(prefix, start, end)
def strip(self): return self.__class__(self.data.strip())
def swapcase(self): return self.__class__(self.data.swapcase())
def title(self): return self.__class__(self.data.title())
def translate(self, *args):
def translate(self, *args):
return self.__class__(self.data.translate(*args))
def upper(self): return self.__class__(self.data.upper())
......@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ class MutableString(UserString):
A faster and better solution is to rewrite your program using lists."""
def __init__(self, string=""):
self.data = string
def __hash__(self):
def __hash__(self):
raise TypeError, "unhashable type (it is mutable)"
def __setitem__(self, index, sub):
if index < 0 or index >= len(self.data): raise IndexError
......@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ class MutableString(UserString):
self.data = self.data[:start] + self.data[end:]
def immutable(self):
return UserString(self.data)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# execute the regression test to stdout, if called as a script:
import os
......@@ -551,11 +551,11 @@ class FancyURLopener(URLopener):
if match:
scheme, realm = match.groups()
if scheme.lower() == 'basic':
name = 'retry_' + self.type + '_basic_auth'
if data is None:
return getattr(self,name)(url, realm)
return getattr(self,name)(url, realm, data)
name = 'retry_' + self.type + '_basic_auth'
if data is None:
return getattr(self,name)(url, realm)
return getattr(self,name)(url, realm, data)
def retry_http_basic_auth(self, url, realm, data=None):
host, selector = splithost(url)
......@@ -571,14 +571,14 @@ class FancyURLopener(URLopener):
return self.open(newurl, data)
def retry_https_basic_auth(self, url, realm, data=None):
host, selector = splithost(url)
i = host.find('@') + 1
host = host[i:]
user, passwd = self.get_user_passwd(host, realm, i)
if not (user or passwd): return None
host = user + ':' + passwd + '@' + host
newurl = '//' + host + selector
return self.open_https(newurl)
host, selector = splithost(url)
i = host.find('@') + 1
host = host[i:]
user, passwd = self.get_user_passwd(host, realm, i)
if not (user or passwd): return None
host = user + ':' + passwd + '@' + host
newurl = '//' + host + selector
return self.open_https(newurl)
def get_user_passwd(self, host, realm, clear_cache = 0):
key = realm + '@' + host.lower()
"""An extensible library for opening URLs using a variety of protocols
The simplest way to use this module is to call the urlopen function,
which accepts a string containing a URL or a Request object (described
which accepts a string containing a URL or a Request object (described
below). It opens the URL and returns the results as file-like
object; the returned object has some extra methods described below.
The OpenerDirectory manages a collection of Handler objects that do
all the actual work. Each Handler implements a particular protocol or
all the actual work. Each Handler implements a particular protocol or
option. The OpenerDirector is a composite object that invokes the
Handlers needed to open the requested URL. For example, the
HTTPHandler performs HTTP GET and POST requests and deals with
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ with digest authentication.
urlopen(url, data=None) -- basic usage is that same as original
urllib. pass the url and optionally data to post to an HTTP URL, and
get a file-like object back. One difference is that you can also pass
get a file-like object back. One difference is that you can also pass
a Request instance instead of URL. Raises a URLError (subclass of
IOError); for HTTP errors, raises an HTTPError, which can also be
treated as a valid response.
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ exceptions:
URLError-- a subclass of IOError, individual protocols have their own
specific subclass
HTTPError-- also a valid HTTP response, so you can treat an HTTP error
HTTPError-- also a valid HTTP response, so you can treat an HTTP error
as an exceptional event or valid response
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ import urllib2
authinfo = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler()
authinfo.add_password('realm', 'host', 'username', 'password')
# build a new opener that adds authentication and caching FTP handlers
# build a new opener that adds authentication and caching FTP handlers
opener = urllib2.build_opener(authinfo, urllib2.CacheFTPHandler)
# install it
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ f = urllib2.urlopen('http://www.python.org/')
# authentication for some reason but fails, how should the error be
# signalled? The client needs to know the HTTP error code. But if
# the handler knows that the problem was, e.g., that it didn't know
# that hash algo that requested in the challenge, it would be good to
# that hash algo that requested in the challenge, it would be good to
# pass that information along to the client, too.
# XXX to do:
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ def install_opener(opener):
_opener = opener
# do these error classes make sense?
# make sure all of the IOError stuff is overridden. we just want to be
# make sure all of the IOError stuff is overridden. we just want to be
# subtypes.
class URLError(IOError):
......@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ class HTTPError(URLError, addinfourl):
self.fp = fp
self.filename = url
def __str__(self):
return 'HTTP Error %s: %s' % (self.code, self.msg)
......@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ class Request:
def __getattr__(self, attr):
# XXX this is a fallback mechanism to guard against these
# methods getting called in a non-standard order. this may be
# methods getting called in a non-standard order. this may be
# too complicated and/or unnecessary.
# XXX should the __r_XXX attributes be public?
if attr[:12] == '_Request__r_':
......@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ class OpenerDirector:
for meth in get_methods(handler):
if meth[-5:] == '_open':
protocol = meth[:-5]
if self.handle_open.has_key(protocol):
if self.handle_open.has_key(protocol):
self.handle_open[protocol] = [handler]
......@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ class OpenerDirector:
if added:
def __del__(self):
......@@ -314,9 +314,9 @@ class OpenerDirector:
if data is not None:
assert isinstance(req, Request) # really only care about interface
result = self._call_chain(self.handle_open, 'default',
'default_open', req)
'default_open', req)
if result:
return result
......@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ def get_methods(inst):
# XXX probably also want an abstract factory that knows things like
# the fact that a ProxyHandler needs to get inserted first.
# would also know when it makes sense to skip a superclass in favor of
# a subclass and when it might make sense to include both
# a subclass and when it might make sense to include both
def build_opener(*handlers):
"""Create an opener object from a list of handlers.
......@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ def build_opener(*handlers):
If any of the handlers passed as arguments are subclasses of the
default handlers, the default handlers will not be used.
opener = OpenerDirector()
default_classes = [ProxyHandler, UnknownHandler, HTTPHandler,
HTTPDefaultErrorHandler, HTTPRedirectHandler,
......@@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ class ProxyHandler(BaseHandler):
assert hasattr(proxies, 'has_key'), "proxies must be a mapping"
self.proxies = proxies
for type, url in proxies.items():
setattr(self, '%s_open' % type,
setattr(self, '%s_open' % type,
lambda r, proxy=url, type=type, meth=self.proxy_open: \
meth(r, proxy, type))
......@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ class HTTPPasswordMgr:
if len(common) == len(base[1]):
return 1
return 0
class HTTPBasicAuthHandler(BaseHandler):
rx = re.compile('[ \t]*([^ \t]+)[ \t]+realm="([^"]*)"')
......@@ -590,8 +590,8 @@ class HTTPBasicAuthHandler(BaseHandler):
# if __current_realm is not None, then the server must have
# refused our name/password and is asking for authorization
# again. must be careful to set it to None on successful
# return.
# return.
def http_error_401(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers):
# XXX could be mult. headers
authreq = headers.get('www-authenticate', None)
......@@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ class HTTPDigestAuthHandler(BaseHandler):
return None
user, pw = self.passwd.find_user_password(realm,
if user is None:
return None
......@@ -724,8 +724,8 @@ def encode_digest(digest):
n = ord(c) & 0xf
return string.join(hexrep, '')
class HTTPHandler(BaseHandler):
def http_open(self, req):
# XXX devise a new mechanism to specify user/password
......@@ -745,7 +745,7 @@ class HTTPHandler(BaseHandler):
h.putrequest('GET', req.get_selector())
except socket.error, err:
raise URLError(err)
# XXX proxies would have different host here
h.putheader('Host', host)
for args in self.parent.addheaders:
......@@ -813,7 +813,7 @@ def parse_http_list(s):
start = i
inquote = 0
i = i + q
i = i + q
if c < q:
......@@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ class FileHandler(BaseHandler):
names = None
def get_names(self):
if FileHandler.names is None:
FileHandler.names = (socket.gethostbyname('localhost'),
FileHandler.names = (socket.gethostbyname('localhost'),
return FileHandler.names
......@@ -967,7 +967,7 @@ class GopherHandler(BaseHandler):
class OpenerFactory:
default_handlers = [UnknownHandler, HTTPHandler,
HTTPDefaultErrorHandler, HTTPRedirectHandler,
HTTPDefaultErrorHandler, HTTPRedirectHandler,
FTPHandler, FileHandler]
proxy_handlers = [ProxyHandler]
handlers = []
......@@ -990,7 +990,7 @@ class OpenerFactory:
if __name__ == "__main__":
# XXX some of the test code depends on machine configurations that
# XXX some of the test code depends on machine configurations that
# are internal to CNRI. Need to set up a public server with the
# right authentication configuration for test purposes.
if socket.gethostname() == 'bitdiddle':
......@@ -1030,11 +1030,11 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
bauth = HTTPBasicAuthHandler()
bauth.add_password('basic_test_realm', localhost, 'jhylton',
dauth = HTTPDigestAuthHandler()
dauth.add_password('digest_test_realm', localhost, 'jhylton',
dauth.add_password('digest_test_realm', localhost, 'jhylton',
cfh = CacheFTPHandler()
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
# Copyright 1994 by Lance Ellinghouse
# Cathedral City, California Republic, United States of America.
# All Rights Reserved
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
# documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
# documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
# provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
# both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
# both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
# supporting documentation, and that the name of Lance Ellinghouse
# not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution
# not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution
# of the software without specific, written prior permission.
......@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ def test():
print ' -d: Decode (in stead of encode)'
print ' -t: data is text, encoded format unix-compatible text'
for o, a in optlist:
if o == '-d': dopt = 1
if o == '-t': topt = 1
......@@ -131,29 +131,29 @@ def _processoptions(args):
# Helper for _processoptions()
def _setoption(arg):
parts = arg.split(':')
if len(parts) > 5:
raise _OptionError("too many fields (max 5): %s" % `arg`)
while len(parts) < 5:
action, message, category, module, lineno = [s.strip()
for s in parts]
action = _getaction(action)
message = re.escape(message)
category = _getcategory(category)
module = re.escape(module)
if module:
module = module + '$'
if lineno:
lineno = int(lineno)
if lineno < 0:
raise ValueError
except (ValueError, OverflowError):
raise _OptionError("invalid lineno %s" % `lineno`)
lineno = 0
filterwarnings(action, message, category, module, lineno)
parts = arg.split(':')
if len(parts) > 5:
raise _OptionError("too many fields (max 5): %s" % `arg`)
while len(parts) < 5:
action, message, category, module, lineno = [s.strip()
for s in parts]
action = _getaction(action)
message = re.escape(message)
category = _getcategory(category)
module = re.escape(module)
if module:
module = module + '$'
if lineno:
lineno = int(lineno)
if lineno < 0:
raise ValueError
except (ValueError, OverflowError):
raise _OptionError("invalid lineno %s" % `lineno`)
lineno = 0
filterwarnings(action, message, category, module, lineno)
# Helper for _setoption()
def _getaction(action):
......@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ class Wave_write:
def getmarkers(self):
return None
def tell(self):
return self._nframeswritten
......@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ class Konqueror:
return not rc
def open(self, url, new=1):
# XXX currently I know no way to prevent KFM from opening a new win.
# XXX currently I know no way to prevent KFM from opening a new win.
def open_new(self, url):
"""Wichman-Hill random number generator.
Wichmann, B. A. & Hill, I. D. (1982)
Algorithm AS 183:
Algorithm AS 183:
An efficient and portable pseudo-random number generator
Applied Statistics 31 (1982) 188-190
see also:
see also:
Correction to Algorithm AS 183
Applied Statistics 33 (1984) 123
Applied Statistics 33 (1984) 123
McLeod, A. I. (1985)
A remark on Algorithm AS 183
A remark on Algorithm AS 183
Applied Statistics 34 (1985),198-200
whrandom.random() yields double precision random numbers
whrandom.random() yields double precision random numbers
uniformly distributed between 0 and 1.
whrandom.seed(x, y, z) must be called before whrandom.random()
......@@ -38,96 +38,96 @@ down in the serial case by using a lock here.)
class whrandom:
def __init__(self, x = 0, y = 0, z = 0):
"""Initialize an instance.
Without arguments, initialize from current time.
With arguments (x, y, z), initialize from them."""
self.seed(x, y, z)
def seed(self, x = 0, y = 0, z = 0):
"""Set the seed from (x, y, z).
These must be integers in the range [0, 256)."""
if not type(x) == type(y) == type(z) == type(0):
raise TypeError, 'seeds must be integers'
if not (0 <= x < 256 and 0 <= y < 256 and 0 <= z < 256):
raise ValueError, 'seeds must be in range(0, 256)'
if 0 == x == y == z:
# Initialize from current time
import time
t = long(time.time() * 256)
t = int((t&0xffffff) ^ (t>>24))
t, x = divmod(t, 256)
t, y = divmod(t, 256)
t, z = divmod(t, 256)
# Zero is a poor seed, so substitute 1
self._seed = (x or 1, y or 1, z or 1)
def random(self):
"""Get the next random number in the range [0.0, 1.0)."""
# This part is thread-unsafe:
x, y, z = self._seed
x = (171 * x) % 30269
y = (172 * y) % 30307
z = (170 * z) % 30323
self._seed = x, y, z
return (x/30269.0 + y/30307.0 + z/30323.0) % 1.0
def uniform(self, a, b):
"""Get a random number in the range [a, b)."""
return a + (b-a) * self.random()
def randint(self, a, b):
"""Get a random integer in the range [a, b] including
both end points.
(Deprecated; use randrange below.)"""
return self.randrange(a, b+1)
def choice(self, seq):
"""Choose a random element from a non-empty sequence."""
return seq[int(self.random() * len(seq))]
def randrange(self, start, stop=None, step=1, int=int, default=None):
"""Choose a random item from range(start, stop[, step]).
This fixes the problem with randint() which includes the
endpoint; in Python this is usually not what you want.
Do not supply the 'int' and 'default' arguments."""
# This code is a bit messy to make it fast for the
# common case while still doing adequate error checking
istart = int(start)
if istart != start:
raise ValueError, "non-integer arg 1 for randrange()"
if stop is default:
if istart > 0:
return int(self.random() * istart)
raise ValueError, "empty range for randrange()"
istop = int(stop)
if istop != stop:
raise ValueError, "non-integer stop for randrange()"
if step == 1:
if istart < istop:
return istart + int(self.random() *
(istop - istart))
raise ValueError, "empty range for randrange()"
istep = int(step)
if istep != step:
raise ValueError, "non-integer step for randrange()"
if istep > 0:
n = (istop - istart + istep - 1) / istep
elif istep < 0:
n = (istop - istart + istep + 1) / istep
raise ValueError, "zero step for randrange()"
if n <= 0:
raise ValueError, "empty range for randrange()"
return istart + istep*int(self.random() * n)
def __init__(self, x = 0, y = 0, z = 0):
"""Initialize an instance.
Without arguments, initialize from current time.
With arguments (x, y, z), initialize from them."""
self.seed(x, y, z)
def seed(self, x = 0, y = 0, z = 0):
"""Set the seed from (x, y, z).
These must be integers in the range [0, 256)."""
if not type(x) == type(y) == type(z) == type(0):
raise TypeError, 'seeds must be integers'
if not (0 <= x < 256 and 0 <= y < 256 and 0 <= z < 256):
raise ValueError, 'seeds must be in range(0, 256)'
if 0 == x == y == z:
# Initialize from current time
import time
t = long(time.time() * 256)
t = int((t&0xffffff) ^ (t>>24))
t, x = divmod(t, 256)
t, y = divmod(t, 256)
t, z = divmod(t, 256)
# Zero is a poor seed, so substitute 1
self._seed = (x or 1, y or 1, z or 1)
def random(self):
"""Get the next random number in the range [0.0, 1.0)."""
# This part is thread-unsafe:
x, y, z = self._seed
x = (171 * x) % 30269
y = (172 * y) % 30307
z = (170 * z) % 30323
self._seed = x, y, z
return (x/30269.0 + y/30307.0 + z/30323.0) % 1.0
def uniform(self, a, b):
"""Get a random number in the range [a, b)."""
return a + (b-a) * self.random()
def randint(self, a, b):
"""Get a random integer in the range [a, b] including
both end points.
(Deprecated; use randrange below.)"""
return self.randrange(a, b+1)
def choice(self, seq):
"""Choose a random element from a non-empty sequence."""
return seq[int(self.random() * len(seq))]
def randrange(self, start, stop=None, step=1, int=int, default=None):
"""Choose a random item from range(start, stop[, step]).
This fixes the problem with randint() which includes the
endpoint; in Python this is usually not what you want.
Do not supply the 'int' and 'default' arguments."""
# This code is a bit messy to make it fast for the
# common case while still doing adequate error checking
istart = int(start)
if istart != start:
raise ValueError, "non-integer arg 1 for randrange()"
if stop is default:
if istart > 0:
return int(self.random() * istart)
raise ValueError, "empty range for randrange()"
istop = int(stop)
if istop != stop:
raise ValueError, "non-integer stop for randrange()"
if step == 1:
if istart < istop:
return istart + int(self.random() *
(istop - istart))
raise ValueError, "empty range for randrange()"
istep = int(step)
if istep != step:
raise ValueError, "non-integer step for randrange()"
if istep > 0:
n = (istop - istart + istep - 1) / istep
elif istep < 0:
n = (istop - istart + istep + 1) / istep
raise ValueError, "zero step for randrange()"
if n <= 0:
raise ValueError, "empty range for randrange()"
return istart + istep*int(self.random() * n)
# Initialize from the current time
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class ConversionError(Error):
class Packer:
"""Pack various data representations into a buffer."""
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ class Packer:
self.pack_farray(n, list, pack_item)
class Unpacker:
"""Unpacks various data representations from the given buffer."""
......@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ class Unpacker:
n = self.unpack_uint()
return self.unpack_farray(n, unpack_item)
# test suite
def _test():
p = Packer()
......@@ -274,6 +274,6 @@ def _test():
print 'ConversionError:', var.msg
count = count + 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
......@@ -250,9 +250,9 @@ class XMLParser:
res = interesting.search(rawdata, i)
if res:
j = res.start(0)
j = res.start(0)
j = n
j = n
if i < j:
data = rawdata[i:j]
if self.__at_start and space.match(data) is None:
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