Kaydet (Commit) e339651b authored tarafından Antoine Pitrou's avatar Antoine Pitrou

Update nntplib examples to use a public news server.

The example still doesn't work as-is under py3k, due to incomplete
or buggy porting of the nntplib module.
üst 5e38aae9
...@@ -18,35 +18,35 @@ Protocol), see Internet :rfc:`977`. ...@@ -18,35 +18,35 @@ Protocol), see Internet :rfc:`977`.
Here are two small examples of how it can be used. To list some statistics Here are two small examples of how it can be used. To list some statistics
about a newsgroup and print the subjects of the last 10 articles:: about a newsgroup and print the subjects of the last 10 articles::
>>> s = NNTP('news.cwi.nl') >>> s = NNTP('news.gmane.org')
>>> resp, count, first, last, name = s.group('comp.lang.python') >>> resp, count, first, last, name = s.group('gmane.comp.python.committers')
>>> print('Group', name, 'has', count, 'articles, range', first, 'to', last) >>> print('Group', name, 'has', count, 'articles, range', first, 'to', last)
Group comp.lang.python has 59 articles, range 3742 to 3803 Group gmane.comp.python.committers has 1071 articles, range 1 to 1071
>>> resp, subs = s.xhdr('subject', first + '-' + last) >>> resp, subs = s.xhdr('subject', first + '-' + last)
>>> for id, sub in subs[-10:]: print(id, sub) >>> for id, sub in subs[-10:]: print(id, sub)
... ...
3792 Re: Removing elements from a list while iterating... 1062 Re: Mercurial Status?
3793 Re: Who likes Info files? 1063 Re: [python-committers] (Windows) buildbots on 3.x
3794 Emacs and doc strings 1064 Re: Mercurial Status?
3795 a few questions about the Mac implementation 1065 Re: Mercurial Status?
3796 Re: executable python scripts 1066 Python 2.6.6 status
3797 Re: executable python scripts 1067 Commit Privileges for Ask Solem
3798 Re: a few questions about the Mac implementation 1068 Re: Commit Privileges for Ask Solem
3799 Re: PROPOSAL: A Generic Python Object Interface for Python C Modules 1069 Re: Commit Privileges for Ask Solem
3802 Re: executable python scripts 1070 Re: Commit Privileges for Ask Solem
3803 Re: \POSIX{} wait and SIGCHLD 1071 2.6.6 rc 2
>>> s.quit() >>> s.quit()
'205 news.cwi.nl closing connection. Goodbye.' '205 Bye!'
To post an article from a file (this assumes that the article has valid To post an article from a file (this assumes that the article has valid
headers):: headers, and that you have right to post on the particular newsgroup)::
>>> s = NNTP('news.cwi.nl') >>> s = NNTP('news.gmane.org')
>>> f = open('/tmp/article') >>> f = open('/tmp/article')
>>> s.post(f) >>> s.post(f)
'240 Article posted successfully.' '240 Article posted successfully.'
>>> s.quit() >>> s.quit()
'205 news.cwi.nl closing connection. Goodbye.' '205 Bye!'
The module itself defines the following items: The module itself defines the following items:
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