Kaydet (Commit) e41d00bb authored tarafından Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Fixed a bug: files that no longer exist remotely would never be

removed from .mirrorinfo.  Now they are (even if -r is not specified
-- the files are not removed, just their .mirrorinfo entry).

Added a feature: the -s pattern option is also used to skip local
files when removing (i.e. -r won't remove local files matching the -s
üst c59120ba
......@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ def mirrorsubdir(f, localdir):
listing = []
if verbose: print 'Listing remote directory %s...' % pwd
f.retrlines('LIST', listing.append)
filesfound = []
for line in listing:
if verbose > 1: print '-->', `line`
if mac:
......@@ -157,6 +158,7 @@ def mirrorsubdir(f, localdir):
print 'Remembering subdirectory', filename
if info.has_key(filename) and info[filename] == infostuff:
if verbose > 1:
print 'Already have this version of', filename
......@@ -216,6 +218,18 @@ def mirrorsubdir(f, localdir):
# Remove files from info that are no longer remote
deletions = 0
for filename in info.keys():
if filename not in filesfound:
if verbose:
print "Removing obsolete info entry for",
print filename, "in", localdir or "."
del info[filename]
deletions = deletions + 1
if deletions:
writedict(info, infofilename)
# Remove local files that are no longer in the remote directory
if not localdir: names = os.listdir(os.curdir)
......@@ -225,6 +239,16 @@ def mirrorsubdir(f, localdir):
for name in names:
if name[0] == '.' or info.has_key(name) or name in subdirs:
skip = 0
for pat in skippats:
if fnmatch(name, pat):
if verbose > 1:
print 'Skip pattern', pat,
print 'matches', name
skip = 1
if skip:
fullname = os.path.join(localdir, name)
if not rmok:
if verbose:
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