Kaydet (Commit) e563aa43 authored tarafından Martin v. Löwis's avatar Martin v. Löwis

Issue #3965: Allow repeated calls to turtle.Screen, by making it a

true singleton object.

Reviewed by Gregor Lingl.
üst e1448730
......@@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ class DemoWindow(object):
left_frame.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=0)
self.graph_frame = g_frame = Frame(root)
turtle.Screen._root = g_frame
turtle.Screen._canvas = turtle.ScrolledCanvas(g_frame, 800, 600, 1000, 800)
turtle._Screen._root = g_frame
turtle._Screen._canvas = turtle.ScrolledCanvas(g_frame, 800, 600, 1000, 800)
#xturtle.Screen._canvas.pack(expand=1, fill="both")
self.screen = _s_ = turtle.Screen()
self.scanvas = _s_._canvas
......@@ -40,10 +40,10 @@ The object-oriented interface uses essentially two+two classes:
:class:`ScrolledCanvas` as argument. It should be used when :mod:`turtle` is
used as part of some application.
Derived from :class:`TurtleScreen` is the subclass :class:`Screen`. Screen
is implemented as sort of singleton, so there can exist only one instance of
Screen at a time. It should be used when :mod:`turtle` is used as a
standalone tool for doing graphics.
The function :func:`Screen` returns a singleton object of a
:class:`TurtleScreen` subclass. This function should be used when
:mod:`turtle` is used as a standalone tool for doing graphics.
As a singleton object, inheriting from its class is not possible.
All methods of TurtleScreen/Screen also exist as functions, i.e. as part of
the procedure-oriented interface.
......@@ -2422,7 +2422,7 @@ class RawTurtle(TPen, TNavigator):
if isinstance(canvas, Screen):
if isinstance(canvas, _Screen):
self.screen = canvas
elif isinstance(canvas, TurtleScreen):
if canvas not in RawTurtle.screens:
......@@ -3539,29 +3539,33 @@ class RawTurtle(TPen, TNavigator):
RawPen = RawTurtle
### Screen - Klasse ########################
### Screen - Singleton ########################
class Screen(TurtleScreen):
def Screen():
"""Return the singleton screen object.
If none exists at the moment, create a new one and return it,
else return the existing one."""
if Turtle._screen is None:
Turtle._screen = _Screen()
return Turtle._screen
class _Screen(TurtleScreen):
_root = None
_canvas = None
_title = _CFG["title"]
# Borg-Idiom
_shared_state = {}
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
obj = object.__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
obj.__dict__ = cls._shared_state
return obj
def __init__(self):
if Screen._root is None:
Screen._root = self._root = _Root()
# XXX there is no need for this code to be conditional,
# as there will be only a single _Screen instance, anyway
# XXX actually, the turtle demo is injecting root window,
# so perhaps the conditional creation of a root should be
# preserved (perhaps by passing it as an optional parameter)
if _Screen._root is None:
_Screen._root = self._root = _Root()
if Screen._canvas is None:
if _Screen._canvas is None:
width = _CFG["width"]
height = _CFG["height"]
canvwidth = _CFG["canvwidth"]
......@@ -3569,10 +3573,9 @@ class Screen(TurtleScreen):
leftright = _CFG["leftright"]
topbottom = _CFG["topbottom"]
self._root.setupcanvas(width, height, canvwidth, canvheight)
Screen._canvas = self._root._getcanvas()
_Screen._canvas = self._root._getcanvas()
self.setup(width, height, leftright, topbottom)
TurtleScreen.__init__(self, Screen._canvas)
Turtle._screen = self
TurtleScreen.__init__(self, _Screen._canvas)
def setup(self, width=_CFG["width"], height=_CFG["height"],
startx=_CFG["leftright"], starty=_CFG["topbottom"]):
......@@ -3626,17 +3629,17 @@ class Screen(TurtleScreen):
Example (for a Screen instance named screen):
>>> screen.title("Welcome to the turtle-zoo!")
if Screen._root is not None:
Screen._title = titlestring
if _Screen._root is not None:
_Screen._title = titlestring
def _destroy(self):
root = self._root
if root is Screen._root:
if root is _Screen._root:
Turtle._pen = None
Turtle._screen = None
Screen._root = None
Screen._canvas = None
_Screen._root = None
_Screen._canvas = None
TurtleScreen._RUNNING = True
......@@ -3728,7 +3731,7 @@ def write_docstringdict(filename="turtle_docstringdict"):
docsdict = {}
for methodname in _tg_screen_functions:
key = "Screen."+methodname
key = "_Screen."+methodname
docsdict[key] = eval(key).__doc__
for methodname in _tg_turtle_functions:
key = "Turtle."+methodname
......@@ -3842,14 +3845,14 @@ def _screen_docrevise(docstr):
for methodname in _tg_screen_functions:
pl1, pl2 = getmethparlist(eval('Screen.' + methodname))
pl1, pl2 = getmethparlist(eval('_Screen.' + methodname))
if pl1 == "":
print ">>>>>>", pl1, pl2
defstr = ("def %(key)s%(pl1)s: return _getscreen().%(key)s%(pl2)s" %
{'key':methodname, 'pl1':pl1, 'pl2':pl2})
exec defstr
eval(methodname).__doc__ = _screen_docrevise(eval('Screen.'+methodname).__doc__)
eval(methodname).__doc__ = _screen_docrevise(eval('_Screen.'+methodname).__doc__)
for methodname in _tg_turtle_functions:
pl1, pl2 = getmethparlist(eval('Turtle.' + methodname))
......@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ Core and Builtins
- Issue #3965: Allow repeated calls to turtle.Screen, by making it a
true singleton object.
- Issue #3895: It was possible to crash the interpreter when an external timer
was used with cProfile that returned an object that could not be converted
into a float.
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