Kaydet (Commit) f25e3d52 authored tarafından Ned Deily's avatar Ned Deily

Issue #12590: IDLE editor window now always displays the first line

when opening a long file.  With Tk 8.5, the first line was hidden.
üst 1299a8f3
......@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ class IOBinding:
# before being able to execute the code
self.text.mark_set("insert", "1.0")
return True
......@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ Core and Builtins
- Issue #12590: IDLE editor window now always displays the first line
when opening a long file. With Tk 8.5, the first line was hidden.
- Issue #12576: Fix urlopen behavior on sites which do not send (or obfuscates)
Connection:close header.
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