Kaydet (Commit) f27f5ab3 authored tarafından Lars Gustäbel's avatar Lars Gustäbel

Added additional test cases for pulldom modifications.

üst bc1b5c81
......@@ -110,10 +110,17 @@ Test Succeeded testHasChildNodes
Passed assertion: len(Node.allnodes) == 0
Test Succeeded testInsertBefore
Passed assertion: len(Node.allnodes) == 0
Passed testNonNSElements - siblings
Passed testNonNSElements - parents
Test Succeeded testNonNSElements
Passed assertion: len(Node.allnodes) == 0
Passed Test
Passed Test
Test Succeeded testNonZero
Passed assertion: len(Node.allnodes) == 0
Passed testParents
Test Succeeded testParents
Passed assertion: len(Node.allnodes) == 0
Test Succeeded testParse
Passed assertion: len(Node.allnodes) == 0
Test Succeeded testParseAttributeNamespaces
......@@ -149,6 +156,9 @@ Test Succeeded testRemoveAttributeNode
Passed assertion: len(Node.allnodes) == 0
Test Succeeded testSetAttrValueandNodeValue
Passed assertion: len(Node.allnodes) == 0
Passed testSiblings
Test Succeeded testSiblings
Passed assertion: len(Node.allnodes) == 0
Test Succeeded testTextNodeRepr
Passed assertion: len(Node.allnodes) == 0
Test Succeeded testTextRepr
......@@ -308,7 +308,73 @@ def testClonePIShallow(): pass
def testClonePIDeep(): pass
def testSiblings():
doc = parseString("<doc><?pi?>text?<elm/></doc>")
root = doc.documentElement
(pi, text, elm) = root.childNodes
confirm(pi.nextSibling is text and
pi.previousSibling is None and
text.nextSibling is elm and
text.previousSibling is pi and
elm.nextSibling is None and
elm.previousSibling is text, "testSiblings")
def testParents():
doc = parseString("<doc><elm1><elm2/><elm2><elm3/></elm2></elm1></doc>")
root = doc.documentElement
elm1 = root.childNodes[0]
(elm2a, elm2b) = elm1.childNodes
elm3 = elm2b.childNodes[0]
confirm(root.parentNode is doc and
elm1.parentNode is root and
elm2a.parentNode is elm1 and
elm2b.parentNode is elm1 and
elm3.parentNode is elm2b, "testParents")
def testNonNSElements():
from xml.dom import pulldom
pulldom = pulldom.PullDOM()
pulldom.startElement("doc", {})
pulldom.startElement("subelm", {})
doc = pulldom.document
root = doc.documentElement
(text1, elm1, text2) = root.childNodes
text3 = elm1.childNodes[0]
confirm(text1.previousSibling is None and
text1.nextSibling is elm1 and
elm1.previousSibling is text1 and
elm1.nextSibling is text2 and
text2.previousSibling is elm1 and
text2.nextSibling is None and
text3.previousSibling is None and
text3.nextSibling is None, "testNonNSElements - siblings")
confirm(root.parentNode is doc and
text1.parentNode is root and
elm1.parentNode is root and
text2.parentNode is root and
text3.parentNode is elm1, "testNonNSElements - parents")
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