Kaydet (Commit) f2c4ba12 authored tarafından Serhiy Storchaka's avatar Serhiy Storchaka

Issue #19593: Use specific asserts in importlib tests.

......@@ -190,12 +190,12 @@ class ImportTests(unittest.TestCase):
# import x.y.z binds x in the current namespace
import test as x
import test.support
self.assertTrue(x is test, x.__name__)
self.assertIs(x, test, x.__name__)
self.assertTrue(hasattr(test.support, "__file__"))
# import x.y.z as w binds z as w
import test.support as y
self.assertTrue(y is test.support, y.__name__)
self.assertIs(y, test.support, y.__name__)
def test_failing_reload(self):
# A failing reload should leave the module object in sys.modules.
......@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ class ImportTests(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, importlib.reload, mod)
# But we still expect the module to be in sys.modules.
mod = sys.modules.get(TESTFN)
self.assertIsNot(mod, None, "expected module to be in sys.modules")
self.assertIsNotNone(mod, "expected module to be in sys.modules")
# We should have replaced a w/ 10, but the old b value should
# stick.
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class InspectLoaderTests:
def test_is_package(self):
# Cannot be a package.
result = self.machinery.BuiltinImporter.is_package(util.BUILTINS.good_name)
self.assertTrue(not result)
@unittest.skipIf(util.BUILTINS.bad_name is None, 'all modules are built in')
def test_not_builtin(self):
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class HandlingFromlist:
with util.import_state(meta_path=[importer]):
module = self.__import__('module', fromlist=['non_existent'])
self.assertEqual(module.__name__, 'module')
self.assertTrue(not hasattr(module, 'non_existent'))
self.assertFalse(hasattr(module, 'non_existent'))
def test_module_from_package(self):
# [module]
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ class CallSignature:
args = log[1][0]
kwargs = log[1][1]
# Assuming all arguments are positional.
self.assertTrue(not kwargs)
self.assertEqual(args[0], mod_name)
self.assertIs(args[1], path)
......@@ -784,7 +784,7 @@ class SourceOnlyLoaderTests(SourceLoaderTestHarness):
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', DeprecationWarning)
module = self.loader.load_module(self.name)
self.assertTrue(not hasattr(module, '__path__'))
self.assertFalse(hasattr(module, '__path__'))
def test_get_source_encoding(self):
# Source is considered encoded in UTF-8 by default unless otherwise
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