1. 18 Eyl, 2002 8 kayıt (commit)
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      Merge Py Idle changes: · 089a64a7
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      Rev 1.3 nnorwitz
      Remove unnecessary imports
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      Merge Py Idle changes: · 7879ad0c
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      Rev 1.17 doerwalter
      (string methods)
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      Merge PyIdle changes: · d1ec940f
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      Rev 1.3 doerwalter
      (string methods)
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      Merge Py Idle changes: · 06a0987f
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      Rev 1.2 doerwalter
      (string methods)
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      Merge Py Idle changes: · 0f4402dc
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      Rev 1.3 tim_one
      Convert a pile of obvious "yes/no" functions to return bool.
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      Merge Py Idle changes: · 05bab1ee
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      Rev 1.11 GvR
      Fix for SF bug #448835.
      Fix this to work with the new (still undocumented) tabnanny API.
      I'm afraid Stephen will have to add this fix to the IDLE fork code
      base as well.
      Rev 1.12 rhettinger
      (skip, done differently in Idlefork)
      Rev 1.13 time_one
      (skip, NA)
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      Merge Py Idle changes: · ce86b10e
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      Rev 1.5 tim_one
      Convert a pile of obvious "yes/no" functions to return bool
      Rev 1.6 GvR
      Rev 1.7 Gvr
      (Already merged Idlefork ReplaceDialog.py and 1.4)
      Rev 1.8 doerwalter
      (string methods)
      Rev 1.9 nnorwitz
      Remove unnecessary imports
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      Merge Py Idle changes: · 837d15c5
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      Rev 1.35 fdrake
      Use string.ascii_letters instead of string.letters (SF bug #226706).
      Move computation of sets of characters out of the body of the function
      that uses them.
      Rev 1.36 tim_one
      Convert a pile of obvious "yes/no" functions to return bool
      Rev 1.37
      (skip, done differently in Idlefork)
      Rev 1.38 loewis
      Patch #590913: PEP 263 support.
      Rev 1.39 loewis
      Convert characters from the locale's encoding on output.
      Reject characters outside the locale's encoding on input.
      Rev 1.40 doerwalter
      (string methods)
      Rev 1.41
      (skipped, done by GvR in rpc)
  2. 17 Eyl, 2002 13 kayıt (commit)
  3. 16 Eyl, 2002 13 kayıt (commit)
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      Merge Py Idle changes: · 33931ef1
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      Rev 1.4 tim_one
      Convert a pile of obvious "yes/no" functions to return bool
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      Merge Py Idle changes: · 6b06f29d
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      Rev 1.5  doerwalter
      string methods
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      Merge Py Idle changes: · 01166da8
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      Rev 1.5 tim_one
      Convert a pile of obvious "yes/no" functions to return bool.
      Rev 1.6 gvanrossum
      (partially merged previously, move line outside try: block)
      Provisional fix for writefile() [SF bug # 541730].
      The problem was that an exception can occur in the text.get() call or
      in the write() call, when the text buffer contains non-ASCII
      characters.  This causes the previous contents of the file to be lost.
      The provisional fix is to call str(self.text.get(...)) *before*
      opening the file, so that if the exception occurs, we never open the
      Two orthogonal better solutions have to wait for policy decisions:
      1. We could try to encode the data as Latin-1 or as UTF-8; but that
         would require IDLE to grow a notion of file encoding which requires
         more thought.
      2. We could make backups before overwriting a file.  This requires
         more thought because it needs to be fast and cross-platform and
      Rev 1.7 gvanrossum
      (previously merged with modifications by Stephen M. Gava)
      Add primitive printing support for Unix and Windows.
      Rev 1.8 loewis
      Patch #590913: PEP 263 support.
      Rev 1.9 gvanrossum
      (tempfile.py interface -- deferred)
      Rev 1.10 tim_one
      whitespace normalization
      Rev 1.11 nnorwitz
      (deferred pending 1.9 integration)
    • Just van Rossum's avatar
    • Just van Rossum's avatar
    • Martin v. Löwis's avatar
    • Martin v. Löwis's avatar
    • Guido van Rossum's avatar
      When recursively attempting to find the modules imported by an · 258cba84
      Guido van Rossum yazdı
      "import" statement, catch and ignore all exceptions.  add/fix some
      comments about this.
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      Merge Py Idle changes: · f1fe145d
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      Rev 1.4 (string methods)
      Rev 1.5 Remove unnecessary imports
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      Merge Py Idle changes: · 75e37902
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      Rev 1.10 (string methods)
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      Merge Py Idle changes: · 220ecbc7
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      Rev 1.39 GvR
      Properly fix SF bug #507298 (Gregor Lingl): shellpython2.2 -Qnew smart
      indent error
      Use // where int division is intended.  (This breaks IDLE for use with
      previous Python versions -- I don't care.)
      Rev 1.40 tim_one
      Convert a pile of obvious "yes/no" functions to return bool.
      Rev 1.41 foffani/loewis
      (already merged)  - MS html help
      Rev 1.42
      (skip, done differently in Idlefork)
      Rev 1.43 tzot/rhettinger
      Extended IDLE's open module menu item to handle hierarchical module names.
      Will look at doing something similar in import.c so that the effort won't
      have to be repeated elsewhere.
      Closes SF patch 600152.
      Rev 1.44 doerwalter
      (string methods)
    • Guido van Rossum's avatar
      Since it tests both ntohl and ntohs, the test should not be called · c0a0e081
      Guido van Rossum yazdı
      testNtoHL but testNtoH.
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      Merge Py Idle changes · aae20949
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      Rev 1.16
      (skip. The Edward K. Ream breakpoint fix has been added to bdb.py
      and idlefork Debugger.py no longer overrides Bdb.set_break() )
      Rev 1.17
      Remove unnecessary imports
  4. 15 Eyl, 2002 6 kayıt (commit)
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      Merge Py Idle changes · a2876442
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      Rev 1.13 (string methods)
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      Merge Py Idle changes · 908aece9
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      Rev 1.9
      Improve handling of docstrings.  I had feared this was a case of
      introspection incompatibility, but in fact it's just that calltips
      always gave up on a docstring that started with a newline (but
      didn't realize they were giving up <wink>).
      Rev 1.10
      (already merged)
      Rev 1.11
      (whitespace normalization, skip this time)
      Rev 1.12
      Remove unnecessary imports
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      Merge Py Idle changes · e72f05d5
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      Rev 1.4
      SF bug 546078:  IDLE calltips cause application error.
      Assorted crashes on Windows and Linux when trying to display a very
      long calltip, most likely a Tk bug.  Wormed around by clamping the
      calltip display to a maximum of 79 characters (why 79? why not ...).
      Bugfix candidate, for all Python releases.
      Rev 1.5
      Remove unnecessary imports
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      Merge Py Idle's changes to AutoIndent.py into EditorWindow.py since · 1b3c2699
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      EditorWindow has incorporated AutoIndent
      Rev 1.17
      classifyws():  Fix a "/" to work under -Qnew (as well as without it).
      Bugfix candidate!
      Rev 1.18
      (Already merged)
      Rev 1.19
      smart_backspace_event():  remove now-pointless int() call.
      Bugfix candidate:  the current state of AutoIdent.py should be in 2.2.1.
      Rev 1.20
      Apply diff2.txt from SF patch http://www.python.org/sf/572113
      (with one small bugfix in bgen/bgen/scantools.py)
      This replaces string module functions with string methods
      for the stuff in the Tools directory. Several uses of
      string.letters etc. are still remaining.
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      Merge Py Idle's Rev 1.5 · 87807a66
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      Use string.ascii_letters instead of string.letters (SF bug #226706)