1. 14 Eyl, 2001 5 kayıt (commit)
    • Andrew M. Kuchling's avatar
      Add support for SMTP TLS · 1efd7ad8
      Andrew M. Kuchling yazdı
    • Guido van Rossum's avatar
      SF patch #461413 (Gerhard Häring): Add STARTTLS feature to smtplib · f7fcf5ee
      Guido van Rossum yazdı
         This patch adds the features from RFC 2487 (Secure SMTP
         over TLS) to the smtplib module:
         - A starttls() function
         - Wrapper classes that simulate enough of sockets and
           files for smtplib, but really wrap a SSLObject
         - reset the list of known SMTP extensions at each call
           of ehlo(). This should have been the case anyway.
    • Guido van Rossum's avatar
      _PyObject_Dump(): print the type of the object. This is by far the · 5f5512d2
      Guido van Rossum yazdı
      most frequently interesting information IMO.  Also tidy up the output.
    • Tim Peters's avatar
      The end of [#460467] file objects should be subclassable. · 4441001b
      Tim Peters yazdı
      A surprising number of changes to split tp_new into tp_new and tp_init.
      Turned out the older PyFile_FromFile() didn't initialize the memory it
      allocated in all (error) cases, which caused new sanity asserts
      elsewhere to fail left & right (and could have, e.g., caused file_dealloc
      to try decrefing random addresses).
    • Tim Peters's avatar
      Changed the dict implementation to take "string shortcuts" only when · 0ab085c4
      Tim Peters yazdı
      keys are true strings -- no subclasses need apply.  This may be debatable.
      The problem is that a str subclass may very well want to override __eq__
      and/or __hash__ (see the new example of case-insensitive strings in
      test_descr), but go-fast shortcuts for strings are ubiquitous in our dicts
      (and subclass overrides aren't even looked for then).  Another go-fast
      reason for the change is that PyCheck_StringExact() is a quicker test
      than PyCheck_String(), and we make such a test on virtually every access
      to every dict.
      OTOH, a str subclass may also be perfectly happy using the base str eq
      and hash, and this change slows them a lot.  But those cases are still
      hypothetical, while Python's own reliance on true-string dicts is not.
  2. 13 Eyl, 2001 11 kayıt (commit)
  3. 12 Eyl, 2001 10 kayıt (commit)
  4. 11 Eyl, 2001 14 kayıt (commit)