1. 16 Tem, 2001 9 kayıt (commit)
    • Andrew M. Kuchling's avatar
      Write some entries in the "Other changes" section · 2cd712b8
      Andrew M. Kuchling yazdı
      Write description of .encode()/.decode for the Unicode section
      Bump version number
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      Added installation instructions. · d65ca723
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      Added a patch which modifies idlefork so that it can co-exist with
      "official" IDLE in the site-packages directory. This patch is not
      necessary if only idlefork IDLE is installed. See INSTALLATION for further
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      Add a script "idles" which opens a Python Shell window. · 91e476f2
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      The default behaviour of idlefork idle is to open an editor window instead
      of a shell. Complex expressions may be run in a fresh environment by
      selecting "run".  There are times, however, when a shell is desired.
      Though one can be started by "idle -t 'foo'", this script is more
      convenient.  In addition, a shell and an editor window can be started
      in parallel by "idles -e foo.py".
    • Tim Peters's avatar
      Ugly. A pile of new xxxFlags() functions, to communicate to the parser · fe2127d3
      Tim Peters yazdı
      that 'yield' is a keyword.  This doesn't help test_generators at all!  I
      don't know why not.  These things do work now (and didn't before this
      1. "from __future__ import generators" now works in a native shell.
      2. Similarly "python -i xxx.py" now has generators enabled in the
         shell if xxx.py had them enabled.
      3. This program (which was my doctest proxy) works fine:
      from __future__ import generators
      source = """\
      def f():
          yield 1
      exec compile(source, "", "single") in globals()
      print type(f())
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      Call out IDLE Fork in startup message. · e75785a6
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      Add a script "idles" which opens a Python Shell window. · 21ebb211
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      The default behaviour of idlefork idle is to open an editor window instead
      of a shell. Complex expressions may be run in a fresh environment by
      selecting "run".  There are times, however, when a shell is desired.
      Though one can be started by "idle -t 'foo'", this script is more
      convenient.  In addition, a shell and an editor window can be started
      in parallel by "idles -e foo.py".
    • Tim Peters's avatar
      future.c: insert a cosmetic space. · 51d76f1f
      Tim Peters yazdı
      pythonrun.c, run_pyc_file():  repair semantic error wrt CO_GENERATOR vs
    • Tim Peters's avatar
      Part way to allowing "from __future__ import generators" to communicate · 5ba58662
      Tim Peters yazdı
      that info to code dynamically compiled *by* code compiled with generators
      enabled.  Doesn't yet work because there's still no way to tell the parser
      that "yield" is OK (unlike nested_scopes, the parser has its fingers in
      this too).
      Replaced PyEval_GetNestedScopes by a more-general
      PyEval_MergeCompilerFlags.  Perhaps I should not have?  I doubted it was
      *intended* to be part of the public API, so just did.
    • Andrew M. Kuchling's avatar
      Began actually writing: · 4dbf8715
      Andrew M. Kuchling yazdı
      * iterators
      * generators
      * copied the nested scopes section from the 2.1 article
      * standard library changes
  2. 15 Tem, 2001 5 kayıt (commit)
  3. 14 Tem, 2001 26 kayıt (commit)