1. 27 Eki, 2002 1 kayıt (commit)
  2. 26 Eki, 2002 9 kayıt (commit)
  3. 25 Eki, 2002 10 kayıt (commit)
  4. 24 Eki, 2002 5 kayıt (commit)
  5. 23 Eki, 2002 3 kayıt (commit)
    • Fred Drake's avatar
      Point to the PyXML package as an extended version of the "xml" package · ff287cfb
      Fred Drake yazdı
      that can provide this fuctionality.
      Note that the docs for the xml.dom and xml.sax packages are the
      definitiona of the Python bindings for the DOM and SAX interfaces.
    • Marc-André Lemburg's avatar
      Fix for bug #626172: crash using unicode latin1 single char · 9cd87aaa
      Marc-André Lemburg yazdı
      Python 2.2.3 candidate.
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      Implement Restoring Breakpoints in Subprocess Debugger · 45186c4c
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      M Debugger.py
      M EditorWindow.py
      M PyShell.py
      0. Polish PyShell.linecache_checkcache()
      1. Move break clearing code to PyShell.PyShellEditorWindow from
      2. Add PyShellEditorWindow.breakpoints attribute to __init__, a list of
         line numbers which are breakpoints for that edit window.
      3. Remove the code in Debugger which removes all module breakpoints when
         debugger is closed.  Want to be able to reload into debugger when
      4. Moved the code which sets EditorWindow.text breakpoints from Debugger
         to PyShell.PyShellEditorWindow and refactored.
      5. Implement reloading subprocess debugger with breakpoints from all open
         PyShellEditorWindows when debugger is opened or subprocess restarted.
      6. Eliminate the break_set attribute, use the breakpoint list instead.
  6. 22 Eki, 2002 9 kayıt (commit)
  7. 21 Eki, 2002 3 kayıt (commit)
    • Barry Warsaw's avatar
      (py-parse-state-re): Remove the "if" from the regular expression. · 644991fa
      Barry Warsaw yazdı
      This fixes an indentation bug reported by Jeremy when seeing multiple
      list comprehensions like so:
          [x for x in seq
           if blah(x)]
          # ...
          [y for y in seq
           if blah(y)]
      The reason this broke is because this regexp caused the "find a safe
      parsing start location higher up in the file" test to erroneously find
      the if in the listcomp.  I think the other keywords in this regexp are
      fine and good enough.
      After a weekend of testing, I can't find any adverse effects.
    • Barry Warsaw's avatar
      FILETYPES: Newer XFree86 rgb.txt files use the key Xorg instead of · 5c458052
      Barry Warsaw yazdı
      XConsortium.  Now we can recognize these files!
    • Barry Warsaw's avatar
      Some fixes based on feedback from Hans Petter Langtangen. · d9e0e1f4
      Barry Warsaw yazdı
      build(): Fix the logic here for calculating fallbacks if the dbfile
      isn't parseable.
      main(): Fix the semantics for -d/--database; this should override any
      database value found in the .pynche file.
      Update some comments, and author contact info.
      Bump to v1.4
      Whitespace normalization.