1. 22 Ock, 2003 1 kayıt (commit)
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      M Bindings.py · 4cc5ef5d
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      M PyShell.py
      M config-keys.def
      M configHandler.py
      1. Clear any un-entered characters from input line before printing the
         restart boundary.
      2. Restore the Debug menu: There are now both Shell and Debug menus.
      3. Add Control-F6 keybinding to Restart Shell.
      4. Clarify PyShell.cancel_check() comment.
      5. Update doc string for Bindings.py and re-format the file slightly.
  2. 21 Ock, 2003 20 kayıt (commit)
  3. 20 Ock, 2003 7 kayıt (commit)
  4. 19 Ock, 2003 12 kayıt (commit)