1. 31 Ara, 2002 1 kayıt (commit)
  2. 29 Ara, 2002 1 kayıt (commit)
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      M EditorWindow.py · 4ada7ad3
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      M PyShell.py
      1. PyShell Rev 1.39, EditorWindow Rev 1.37 fix was not handling a
         multiline prompt.
      2. The same fix introduced a bug where hitting <enter> at a previous
         prompt-only line would copy the prompt to the iomark.
      3. Move the setting of sys.ps1 earlier, into PyShell.main(), to allow
         this code to work before a shell is started up.
      4. If cursor is on the input line in the prompt, and you hit <enter>,
         process the line instead of complaining.
      5. If line has no stdin range (this includes the last line before shell
         restart) strip any prompt before recalling.
  3. 24 Ara, 2002 4 kayıt (commit)
  4. 23 Ara, 2002 2 kayıt (commit)
    • Tony Lownds's avatar
      Move boolcheck to PyShell · 103ee914
      Tony Lownds yazdı
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      M MANIFEST.in · da4d3c1e
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      M PyShell.py
      M idlever.py
      M setup.py
      1. Update MANIFEST.in to include all non-pure Python files
      2. PyShell and idlever reflect Rev 0.9a0
      3. setup.py modified to install IDLE as a collection of modules with
         a .pth file living at the idlelib level in site-packages.  This was
         done to make it easier to run from the source directory prior to
         installing IDLE.  This approach may change back to the package
         technique depending on what happens with the Mac installation
  5. 21 Ara, 2002 2 kayıt (commit)
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      When IDLE is installed and run from a startup script, the script's · ff002b93
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      directory becomes sys.path[0].  What is wanted is the directory from which
      IDLE was called.
      Insert the current working directory in the path if it isn't there
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      M PyShell.py · dd70e1be
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      M idle
      M setup.py
      To be able to run from the source directory or from an installed version
      of IDLE, and also to allow the subprocess to find run(), Python needs to
      have the idlelib package on its path.
      1. Modify setup.py to supply a .pth file living at same level as idlelib
      2. Move boolcheck to PyShell.py
      3. Remove boolcheck and path setting code from the "idle" script
  6. 20 Ara, 2002 1 kayıt (commit)
    • Tony Lownds's avatar
      Update way a subprocess is launched for Mac OS X. · f53dec2e
      Tony Lownds yazdı
      Another applet mechanism has been developed for Python on Mac OS X and
      trying to use the -c "__import__('run').main()" trick is just not working.
      macosx_main.py is a new file which should be used as the startup file for
      Mac OS X applet bundles. This startup file understands a -p option, which
      when seen will start run.main(). When running as an applet, this seems like
      the best approach.
  7. 17 Ara, 2002 1 kayıt (commit)
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      M ColorDelegator.py · 92b5ca37
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      M PyShell.py
      M ScriptBinding.py
      1. Update ScriptBinding.py to highlight a syntax error in the Edit window,
         and place the cursor on the error.  Add a syntax check to the
         Run Script event instead of waiting until the script tries to run and
         raises a syntax error in the shell, forcing the user to navigate back
         to the Edit window to fix it.
      2. Modify tag_config's appropriately in PyShell.py and ColorDelegator.py
      3. Some minor clean-up in ScriptBinding.py
  8. 16 Ara, 2002 1 kayıt (commit)
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      M EditorWindow.py · 822a77fc
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      M PyShell.py
      Idlefork SF Bug 440383 - IDLE goes into beep loop
      Fix loop in EditorWindow.newline_and_indent_event() and
      in addition fix submission of >>> prompt to PyParse.Parser
      Eliminate extra attribute EditorWindow.auto_indent
  9. 14 Ara, 2002 1 kayıt (commit)
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      M Debugger.py · bfed3462
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      M IOBinding.py
      M PyShell.py
      * Could not remove last set of saved breakpoints from a file
      * Starting with empty edit window, could not load a file
      * Multiple adjacent breakpoints were saved as one breakpoint
      * Storing breakpoints whenever a file is closed can get them out
        of synch with the saved version of a file.  Only store them when the
        file is saved.
      * Add comment on current limitations on file editing in the presence of
      * Replace get_current_breaks() with update_breakpoints(), add an update to
        PyShellEditorWindow.breakpoints, which is the master breakpoint data
        structure, and which is used to reload the subprocess debugger.
      * Revert Debugger.Debugger.load_breakpoints() to use editwin.breakpoints.
        It is easier to debug the debugger if the breakpoint list in IDLE is
        identical to the list in the subprocess debugger and is transferred when
        the subprocess debugger is restarted, because this list can be easily
      * Cleanup some linespacing and comments in IOBinding.py
  10. 11 Ara, 2002 1 kayıt (commit)
  11. 06 Ara, 2002 1 kayıt (commit)
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      M PyShell.py · 0930c43e
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      1. Format and print exceptions raised in user code.
      M rpc.py
      1. Additional debug messages in rpc.py
      2. Move debug message enable switch from SocketIO to Client and Server
         to allow separate activation.
      3. Add indication of origin (client or server) to debug message
      4. Add sequence number to appropriate debug messages
      5. Pass string exception arg as a string rather than a tuple.
  12. 30 Kas, 2002 2 kayıt (commit)
  13. 29 Kas, 2002 1 kayıt (commit)
  14. 04 Kas, 2002 2 kayıt (commit)
  15. 23 Eki, 2002 1 kayıt (commit)
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      Implement Restoring Breakpoints in Subprocess Debugger · 45186c4c
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      M Debugger.py
      M EditorWindow.py
      M PyShell.py
      0. Polish PyShell.linecache_checkcache()
      1. Move break clearing code to PyShell.PyShellEditorWindow from
      2. Add PyShellEditorWindow.breakpoints attribute to __init__, a list of
         line numbers which are breakpoints for that edit window.
      3. Remove the code in Debugger which removes all module breakpoints when
         debugger is closed.  Want to be able to reload into debugger when
      4. Moved the code which sets EditorWindow.text breakpoints from Debugger
         to PyShell.PyShellEditorWindow and refactored.
      5. Implement reloading subprocess debugger with breakpoints from all open
         PyShellEditorWindows when debugger is opened or subprocess restarted.
      6. Eliminate the break_set attribute, use the breakpoint list instead.
  16. 10 Eki, 2002 1 kayıt (commit)
  17. 29 Eyl, 2002 1 kayıt (commit)
  18. 23 Eyl, 2002 1 kayıt (commit)
  19. 18 Eyl, 2002 2 kayıt (commit)
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      Merge Py Idle changes: · 62833980
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      Missed adding "import types" while merging PyShell by hand....
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      Merge Py Idle changes: · 837d15c5
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      Rev 1.35 fdrake
      Use string.ascii_letters instead of string.letters (SF bug #226706).
      Move computation of sets of characters out of the body of the function
      that uses them.
      Rev 1.36 tim_one
      Convert a pile of obvious "yes/no" functions to return bool
      Rev 1.37
      (skip, done differently in Idlefork)
      Rev 1.38 loewis
      Patch #590913: PEP 263 support.
      Rev 1.39 loewis
      Convert characters from the locale's encoding on output.
      Reject characters outside the locale's encoding on input.
      Rev 1.40 doerwalter
      (string methods)
      Rev 1.41
      (skipped, done by GvR in rpc)
  20. 14 Eyl, 2002 1 kayıt (commit)
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      MERGE DS_RPC_BRANCH into MAIN · ee7afca5
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
          don't track Py Idle patch 543222 - disable script bindings in shell
          since it was done differently in MAIN
          Remove "binding comments" 05 Aug to
  21. 05 Eyl, 2002 1 kayıt (commit)
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      M PyShell.py · 63857a45
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      M RemoteDebugger.py
      M ScriptBinding.py
      Restart the execution server with a clean environment and execute the
      active module from scratch upon activation of Run/F5.
      Add functionality to PyShell.py to restart the execution server in a new
      subprocess.  The server makes a connection to the Idle client which sends a
      block of code to be executed.
      Modify ScriptBinding.py to restart the subprocess upon Run/F5, assuming that
      an execution is not currently in progress.  Remove Import Module functionality,
      not required now that the code is executed in a clean environment.
      If the Debugger is active, also restart the subprocess side of the split
      debugger.  Add functionality to RemoteDebugger.py to support this.
      At this time breakpoints will be lost in the subprocess if Run/F5 is activated.
      A subsequent checkin of PyShell.py will implement reloading of the breakpoints
      into the subprocess debugger.  I'm keeping this separate as the design may
  22. 05 Agu, 2002 1 kayıt (commit)
  23. 26 Tem, 2002 1 kayıt (commit)
  24. 11 Tem, 2002 1 kayıt (commit)
  25. 26 Haz, 2002 1 kayıt (commit)
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      Shutdown subprocess debugger and associated Proxies/Adapters when closing · ffd3a421
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      the Idle debugger.
      M PyShell.py       : Call RemoteDebugger.close_remote_debugger()
      M RemoteDebugger.py: Add close_remote_debugger(); further polish code used
                           to start the debugger sections.
      M rpc.py           : Add comments on Idlefork methods register(), unregister()
                           comment out unused methods
      M run.py           : Add stop_the_debugger(); polish code
  26. 24 Haz, 2002 1 kayıt (commit)
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      Clear associated breakpoints when closing an edit window. · 83118c6c
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      M Debugger.py      : Added clear_file_breaks()
      M EditorWindow.py  : Clear breaks when closed, commments->docstrings,
                           comment out some debugging print statements
      M PyShell.py       : comments->docstrings ; clarify extending EditorWindow
      M RemoteDebugger.py: Add clear_all_file_breaks() functionality,
                           clarify some comments.
  27. 20 Haz, 2002 1 kayıt (commit)
  28. 16 Haz, 2002 1 kayıt (commit)
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      Polish RemoteDebugger code. · 0e3a5773
      Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
      Use a repr() on the subprocess side when fetching dict values for stack.
      The various dict entities are not needed by the debugger GUI, only
      their representation.
  29. 12 Haz, 2002 1 kayıt (commit)
  30. 26 May, 2002 1 kayıt (commit)
  31. 27 Mar, 2002 1 kayıt (commit)
  32. 02 Mar, 2002 1 kayıt (commit)