1. 02 Ock, 2008 1 kayıt (commit)
  2. 05 Agu, 2007 1 kayıt (commit)
    • Guido van Rossum's avatar
      Merged revisions 56492-56752 via svnmerge from · 33d2689f
      Guido van Rossum yazdı
        r56497 | kurt.kaiser | 2007-07-22 14:55:16 -0700 (Sun, 22 Jul 2007) | 4 lines
        In the case of syntax errors, in py3k format_exception_only()
        was including line number and position in the final line of the
        exception notification, duplicating info in previous lines.
        r56501 | kurt.kaiser | 2007-07-22 19:35:50 -0700 (Sun, 22 Jul 2007) | 2 lines
        Hum, needed a newline in the last change.
        r56536 | kurt.kaiser | 2007-07-24 19:06:48 -0700 (Tue, 24 Jul 2007) | 5 lines
        Not all instantiations of SyntaxError set the args attribute.
        e.g. symtable.c
        Modify format_exception_only() to get SyntaxError attributes directly
        instead of unpacking 'args'.
        r56537 | kurt.kaiser | 2007-07-24 19:13:03 -0700 (Tue, 24 Jul 2007) | 3 lines
        Update doctest strings: traceback.py no longer prints redundant location
        information in the last line of the exception display.
        r56627 | kurt.kaiser | 2007-07-29 21:06:57 -0700 (Sun, 29 Jul 2007) | 2 lines
        Interactive interpreter emulator (code.py) failing to print exceptions.
        r56628 | kurt.kaiser | 2007-07-29 21:41:02 -0700 (Sun, 29 Jul 2007) | 2 lines
        Eliminate extra lines before and after tracebacks.
        r56638 | kurt.kaiser | 2007-07-31 19:36:45 -0700 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 3 lines
        Refactor syntax error display in shell and edit windows; move
        colorize_syntax_error() to EditorWindow; update to py3k.
        r56685 | neal.norwitz | 2007-08-02 22:20:23 -0700 (Thu, 02 Aug 2007) | 10 lines
        Remove several h/w and o/s specific modules that are undocumented, obsolete,
        and/or not widely used:
         linuxaudiodev.c, sunaudiodev.c Lib/plat-sunos5/SUNAUDIODEV.py
         Lib/audiodev.py Tools/audiopy/audiopy
        Move Lib/toaiff.py to Demo.
        See PEP 3108 for most of the details.
        r56686 | neal.norwitz | 2007-08-02 22:21:48 -0700 (Thu, 02 Aug 2007) | 4 lines
        Missed one module that should have been removed since it relied
        on audiodev which was removed.
        r56748 | neal.norwitz | 2007-08-04 19:19:04 -0700 (Sat, 04 Aug 2007) | 1 line
        Make from X import * outside module scope an error.
        r56750 | neal.norwitz | 2007-08-04 19:35:01 -0700 (Sat, 04 Aug 2007) | 1 line
        Use READONLY consistently instead of RO
  3. 09 Şub, 2007 2 kayıt (commit)
  4. 06 Eyl, 2006 1 kayıt (commit)
  5. 17 Mar, 2006 1 kayıt (commit)
  6. 13 Şub, 2003 1 kayıt (commit)
    • Guido van Rossum's avatar
      - Finally fixed the bug in compile() and exec where a string ending · 4b499dd3
      Guido van Rossum yazdı
        with an indented code block but no newline would raise SyntaxError.
        This would have been a four-line change in parsetok.c...  Except
        codeop.py depends on this behavior, so a compilation flag had to be
        invented that causes the tokenizer to revert to the old behavior;
        this required extra changes to 2 .h files, 2 .c files, and 2 .py
        files.  (Fixes SF bug #501622.)
  7. 04 Nis, 2002 1 kayıt (commit)
  8. 25 Mar, 2002 2 kayıt (commit)
  9. 18 Eyl, 2001 1 kayıt (commit)
  10. 17 Agu, 2001 1 kayıt (commit)
  11. 03 May, 2001 1 kayıt (commit)
  12. 09 Şub, 2001 1 kayıt (commit)
  13. 20 Ock, 2001 1 kayıt (commit)
    • Skip Montanaro's avatar
      added __all__ lists to a number of Python modules · e99d5ea2
      Skip Montanaro yazdı
      added test script and expected output file as well
      this closes patch 103297.
      __all__ attributes will be added to other modules without first submitting
      a patch, just adding the necessary line to the test script to verify
      more-or-less correct implementation.
  14. 15 Ock, 2001 1 kayıt (commit)
  15. 14 Ock, 2001 1 kayıt (commit)
  16. 13 Ock, 2001 1 kayıt (commit)
  17. 27 Ara, 2000 1 kayıt (commit)
  18. 28 Şub, 2000 1 kayıt (commit)
  19. 22 Eki, 1998 1 kayıt (commit)
  20. 19 Eki, 1998 1 kayıt (commit)
  21. 22 Eyl, 1998 1 kayıt (commit)
    • Guido van Rossum's avatar
      Reworked it quite a bit. There are now two classes: a base class, · 5227f0fd
      Guido van Rossum yazdı
      InteractiveInterpreter, which handles parsing and interpreter state
      but doesn't know deal with buffering or prompting or input file
      naming.  And a derived class, InteractiveConsole, which adds buffering
      and prompting and supports setting the filename once.  Also tweak the
      algorithm in compile_command() a bit so that input consisting of all
      blank lines or comments always succeeds immediately, and note the fact
      that apart from SyntaxError it can also raise OverflowError.
  22. 23 Haz, 1998 1 kayıt (commit)
  23. 26 Mar, 1998 1 kayıt (commit)
  24. 14 Ock, 1998 1 kayıt (commit)
  25. 07 Eki, 1997 1 kayıt (commit)
  26. 18 Tem, 1997 1 kayıt (commit)