- 03 Eyl, 2014 3 kayıt (commit)
Terry Jan Reedy yazdı
Terry Jan Reedy yazdı
Original patch by Lita Cho.
Victor Stinner yazdı
the monotonic test
- 02 Eyl, 2014 3 kayıt (commit)
Victor Stinner yazdı
threading.Lock.acquire(), threading.RLock.acquire() and socket operations now use a monotonic clock, instead of the system clock, when a timeout is used.
Victor Stinner yazdı
Ensure also that the tv_usec field is consistent: in range [0; 999999].
Victor Stinner yazdı
This platform exposes the function ioctl(FIOCLEX), but calling it fails with errno is ENOTTY: "Inappropriate ioctl for device". set_inheritable() now falls back to the slower fcntl() (F_GETFD and then F_SETFD).
- 01 Eyl, 2014 3 kayıt (commit)
Berker Peksag yazdı
Berker Peksag yazdı
Ned Deily yazdı
Original patch by Josh Lynn.
- 31 Agu, 2014 8 kayıt (commit)
Jason R. Coombs yazdı
Jason R. Coombs yazdı
Jason R. Coombs yazdı
Jason R. Coombs yazdı
Jason R. Coombs yazdı
Jason R. Coombs yazdı
Jason R. Coombs yazdı
Victor Stinner yazdı
- 02 Eyl, 2014 2 kayıt (commit)
Guido van Rossum yazdı
Victor Stinner yazdı
Illumos. This platform exposes the function ioctl(FIOCLEX), but calling it fails with errno is ENOTTY: "Inappropriate ioctl for device". set_inheritable() now falls back to the slower fcntl() (F_GETFD and then F_SETFD).
- 01 Eyl, 2014 6 kayıt (commit)
Benjamin Peterson yazdı
Benjamin Peterson yazdı
Benjamin Peterson yazdı
Berker Peksag yazdı
Berker Peksag yazdı
Ned Deily yazdı
- 31 Agu, 2014 8 kayıt (commit)
Jason R. Coombs yazdı
Benjamin Peterson yazdı
Victor Stinner yazdı
BaseSelectorEventLoop.sock_connect() There is a race condition in create_connection() used with wait_for() to have a timeout. sock_connect() registers the file descriptor of the socket to be notified of write event (if connect() raises BlockingIOError). When create_connection() is cancelled with a TimeoutError, sock_connect() coroutine gets the exception, but it doesn't unregister the file descriptor for write event. create_connection() gets the TimeoutError and closes the socket. If you call again create_connection(), the new socket will likely gets the same file descriptor, which is still registered in the selector. When sock_connect() calls add_writer(), it tries to modify the entry instead of creating a new one. This issue was originally reported in the Trollius project, but the bug comes from Tulip in fact (Trollius is based on Tulip): https://bitbucket.org/enovance/trollius/issue/15/after-timeouterror-on-wait_for This change fixes the race condition. It also makes sock_connect() more reliable (and portable) is sock.connect() raises an InterruptedError.
Victor Stinner yazdı
There is a race condition in create_connection() used with wait_for() to have a timeout. sock_connect() registers the file descriptor of the socket to be notified of write event (if connect() raises BlockingIOError). When create_connection() is cancelled with a TimeoutError, sock_connect() coroutine gets the exception, but it doesn't unregister the file descriptor for write event. create_connection() gets the TimeoutError and closes the socket. If you call again create_connection(), the new socket will likely gets the same file descriptor, which is still registered in the selector. When sock_connect() calls add_writer(), it tries to modify the entry instead of creating a new one. This issue was originally reported in the Trollius project, but the bug comes from Tulip in fact (Trollius is based on Tulip): https://bitbucket.org/enovance/trollius/issue/15/after-timeouterror-on-wait_for This change fixes the race condition. It also makes sock_connect() more reliable (and portable) is sock.connect() raises an InterruptedError.
Victor Stinner yazdı
Victor Stinner yazdı
Benjamin Peterson yazdı
Benjamin Peterson yazdı
- 30 Agu, 2014 2 kayıt (commit)
R David Murray yazdı
R David Murray yazdı
Without this reset, starttls would fail if a connect/starttls was done after a quit, because smtplib assumed the existing value of emspt_features was accurate, but it gets reset when starttls completes (and the new value does not contain the starttls capability, since tls is already started at that point). (There may be additional places where this lack of reset was an issue as well.) Patch by Milan Oberkirch.
- 29 Agu, 2014 5 kayıt (commit)
Antoine Pitrou yazdı
Issue #22098: ctypes' BigEndianStructure and LittleEndianStructure now define an empty __slots__ so that subclasses don't always get an instance dict. Patch by Claudiu Popa.
Antoine Pitrou yazdı
Issue #22185: Fix an occasional RuntimeError in threading.Condition.wait() caused by mutation of the waiters queue without holding the lock. Patch by Doug Zongker.
Antoine Pitrou yazdı
Issue #22185: Fix an occasional RuntimeError in threading.Condition.wait() caused by mutation of the waiters queue without holding the lock. Patch by Doug Zongker.
Victor Stinner yazdı
available (unlikely)
Victor Stinner yazdı
QueryPerformanceFrequency() cannot fail on Windows XP and later according to its documentation: raise an exception on error and drop the fallback to the system clock.