1. 10 Agu, 2002 3 kayıt (commit)
    • Tim Peters's avatar
      1. Combined the base and length arrays into a single array of structs. · e05f65a0
      Tim Peters yazdı
         This is friendlier for caches.
      2. Cut MIN_GALLOP to 7, but added a per-sort min_gallop vrbl that adapts
         the "get into galloping mode" threshold higher when galloping isn't
         paying, and lower when it is.  There's no known case where this hurts.
         It's (of course) neutral for /sort, \sort and =sort.  It also happens
         to be neutral for !sort.  It cuts a tiny # of compares in 3sort and +sort.
         For *sort, it reduces the # of compares to better than what this used to
         do when MIN_GALLOP was hardcoded to 10 (it did about 0.1% more *sort
         compares before, but given how close we are to the limit, this is "a
         lot"!).  %sort used to do about 1.5% more compares, and ~sort about
         3.6% more.  Here are exact counts:
       i    *sort    3sort    +sort    %sort    ~sort    !sort
      15   449235    33019    33016    51328   188720    65534  before
           448885    33016    33007    50426   182083    65534  after
            0.08%    0.01%    0.03%    1.79%    3.65%    0.00%  %ch from after
      16   963714    65824    65809   103409   377634   131070
           962991    65821    65808   101667   364341   131070
            0.08%    0.00%    0.00%    1.71%    3.65%    0.00%
      17  2059092   131413   131362   209130   755476   262142
          2057533   131410   131361   206193   728871   262142
            0.08%    0.00%    0.00%    1.42%    3.65%    0.00%
      18  4380687   262440   262460   421998  1511174   524286
          4377402   262437   262459   416347  1457945   524286
            0.08%    0.00%    0.00%    1.36%    3.65%    0.00%
      19  9285709   524581   524634   848590  3022584  1048574
          9278734   524580   524633   837947  2916107  1048574
            0.08%    0.00%    0.00%    1.27%    3.65%    0.00%
      20 19621118  1048960  1048942  1715806  6045418  2097150
         19606028  1048958  1048941  1694896  5832445  2097150
            0.08%    0.00%    0.00%    1.23%    3.65%    0.00%
      3. Added some key asserts I overlooked before.
      4. Updated the doc file.
    • Tim Peters's avatar
      The samplesort-vs-mergesort #-of-comparisons comparisons were captured · b80595f4
      Tim Peters yazdı
      before %sort was introduced.  Redid them (the numbers change, but the
      conclusions don't).  Also did the samplesort counts with the released
      2.2.1, as they're slightly different under the last CVS 2.3 samplesort
      (some higher, some lower -- CVS had been changed to stop doing the
      special-case business on recursive samplesort calls).
    • Guido van Rossum's avatar
  2. 09 Agu, 2002 37 kayıt (commit)