1. 12 Eyl, 1998 1 kayıt (commit)
  2. 11 Eyl, 1998 4 kayıt (commit)
    • Guido van Rossum's avatar
      Richard Wolff's changes: · 2424f855
      Guido van Rossum yazdı
      pdb.py  Uses the Breakpoint class so one can enable/disable breakpoints,
      	set temporary ones, set ignore counts, and conditions.  The last
      	can be set using the 'b' command
      		b 243 , i>4		( b 243,i>4 if you are space adverse)
      	or with the condition command so conditions can be changed
      	for a particular breakpoint.
      	Breakpoints are numbered from 1 on, and if a breakpoint is deleted,
      	the number is not reused.  All the breakpoint handling commands
      	refer to breakpoints by number.  To be consistent, the clear command
      	does so as well, which is the one change from the original pdb that
      	is not transparent.  Thus only the breakpoint command 'b' uses a
      	line number or file:line or method.  You can also give
      		b whrandom.random    and the method will be searched for along
      	sys.path.  This is implemented with an 'egrep' command and so
      	is not as portable as it might be.  [ see  lineinfo() and
      	lineinfoCmd ]
      	Breakpoints cannot be set at a line that is blank or a '#' comment
      	or starts a triply quoted comment.  This is because I would like
      	this behavior in my DDD interface and think it reasonable for
      	pdb as well.  It can be removed readily, however as it is all
      	incorporated in the routine checkline().  If one attempts to
      	set a breakpoint at a 'def' line, the breakpoint is automatically
      	moved to the first executable line after the 'def'.  This too is
      	in checkline().
      	do_EOF() returns zero so typing an end-of-file character as a command
      	does nothing.  'quit' does the quitting.
      	The routine defaultFile() is present so as to preserve the current
      	pdb behavior and yet allow me to override it in pydb.
      	There's some code in lineinfo() that is probably mainly useful only
      	for pydb and if you prefer, much up to the comment "Best first guess"
      	could be removed.
      	Keith Davidson provided the code for handling $HOME/.pdbrc and
      	./.pdbrc, and it has been incorporated.  He also provided the
      	alias handling routine.  I modified it a bit so it could live
      	nicely in precmd().  He and I have been in contact; he has the
      	new pdb (and pydb) with his code incorporated.  He also asked
      	about the possibility of allowing multiple commands on one
      	line, such as step;step  or s;s  or with an alias such as
      		alias ct tbreak %1 ; continue
      	and since it was so easy, that's in place as well.  It's a simple
      	'split the line at the first ";"' operation and puts the second
      	half in the command queue (self.cmdqueue).  This has the unfortunate
      	effect of destroying a line like   print "i: "+i+"; j: "+j
      	but either there's a simple way to deal with this, or my attitude
      	will remain that pdb is a debugger, not a compiler/parser/etc.
      	An alias like   alias 4s  s;;s;
      	will work because the adjacent and trailing ";" act like a <cr> which
      	repeats the last command.  Of course, either s;s;s;s or s;;;  would be
      	a bit more sensible.
      	The help commands have been updated.
    • Guido van Rossum's avatar
      Richard Wolff's changes: · d93643fe
      Guido van Rossum yazdı
      bdb.py  now has a class definition called Breakpoint along with
      	associated methods.  There's no reason why this class has to
      	be there; if you prefer it elsewhere, 'tis easily done.
      (Minor reformatting by GvR; e.g. moved Breakpoint's doc string to
      proper point.)
    • Guido van Rossum's avatar
      Richard Wolff's changes: · 5fca6fd2
      Guido van Rossum yazdı
      cmd.py  has incorporated the changes we discussed a couple of weeks ago
      	(a command queue, returning line from precmd, and stop from postcmd)
      	and some changes to help that were occasioned because I wanted to
      	inherit from pdb which inherits from cmd.py and the help routine
      	didn't look for commands or the associated help deeply enough.
    • Fred Drake's avatar
      Add a \label to the section "Fancier Output Formatting" (it's referenced from · b7833d3c
      Fred Drake yazdı
      the KOE docs).
      Some markup nits.
  3. 10 Eyl, 1998 9 kayıt (commit)
  4. 09 Eyl, 1998 3 kayıt (commit)
  5. 08 Eyl, 1998 2 kayıt (commit)
  6. 07 Eyl, 1998 1 kayıt (commit)
  7. 04 Eyl, 1998 3 kayıt (commit)
  8. 03 Eyl, 1998 1 kayıt (commit)
  9. 02 Eyl, 1998 2 kayıt (commit)
  10. 31 Agu, 1998 2 kayıt (commit)
  11. 29 Agu, 1998 2 kayıt (commit)
  12. 28 Agu, 1998 6 kayıt (commit)
  13. 27 Agu, 1998 4 kayıt (commit)
    • Guido van Rossum's avatar
      We now assume that PyOS_Readline() is called with the interpreter lock · 8efa47b6
      Guido van Rossum yazdı
      held.  It releases the lock around the call to the function pointed to by
      PyOS_ReadlineFunctionPointer (default PyOS_StdioReadline()).
    • Guido van Rossum's avatar
      Add a 'volatile' to the declaration of threadid in get_thread_ident(). · 44ee4794
      Guido van Rossum yazdı
      According to Vladimir Marangozov, this is necessary for AIX, where
      high optimization levels inline this function and then get it wrong :-(
    • Guido van Rossum's avatar
      Don't release the interpreter lock around PyParser_ParseFile(). · 53195c1a
      Guido van Rossum yazdı
      It is needed so that tokenizer.c can use PySys_WriteStderr().
    • Guido van Rossum's avatar
      Changes by Richard Wolff: · b9f48608
      Guido van Rossum yazdı
      1) I added a command queue which is helpful to me (at least so far) and
         would also allow syntax like 's;s' (step; step) in conjunction with precmd
      2) doc_leader allows the derived class to print a message before the help
         output.  Defaults to current practise of a blank line
      3) nohelp allows one to override the 'No help on' message.  I need
          'Undefined command: "%s".  Try "help".'
      4) Pass line to self.precmd to allow one to do some parsing: change first
         word to lower case, strip out a leading number, whatever.
      5) Pass the result of onecmd and the input line to postcmd.  This allows
         one to ponder the stop result before it is effective.
      6) emptyline() requires a   if self.lastcmd:  conditional because if the
         first command is null (<cr>), you get an infinite recursion with the
         code as it stands.