1. 16 Agu, 2004 1 kayıt (commit)
  2. 07 Agu, 2004 2 kayıt (commit)
    • Barry Warsaw's avatar
      Resolution of bug #997368, "strftime() backward compatibility". · e8bedeb4
      Barry Warsaw yazdı
      Specifically, time.strftime() no longer accepts a 0 in the yday position of a
      time tuple, since that can crash some platform strftime() implementations.
      parsedate_tz(): Change the return value to return 1 in the yday position.
      Update tests in test_rfc822.py and test_email.py
    • Barry Warsaw's avatar
      Resolution of SF bug #1002475 and patch #1003693; Header lines that end in · 8896bf56
      Barry Warsaw yazdı
      \r\n only get the \n stripped, not the \r (unless it's the last header which
      does get the \r stripped).  Patch by Tony Meyer.
      test_strip_line_feed_and_carriage_return_in_headers(): New tests.
      _parse_headers(): Be sure to strip \r\n from the right side of header lines.
  3. 15 May, 2004 1 kayıt (commit)
  4. 13 May, 2004 8 kayıt (commit)
  5. 11 May, 2004 6 kayıt (commit)
  6. 10 May, 2004 2 kayıt (commit)
  7. 09 May, 2004 14 kayıt (commit)
  8. 22 Mar, 2004 1 kayıt (commit)
  9. 20 Mar, 2004 2 kayıt (commit)
    • Thomas Wouters's avatar
      test_email: comment out two fail-test cases that no longer fail with the new · 1e130549
      Thomas Wouters yazdı
      parser -- for now. Failure behaviour of the new parser(s) will change in any
      case, so this will be revisited later anyway.
    • Thomas Wouters's avatar
      Merge in Anthony's new parser code, from the anthony-parser-branch: · 0813d76c
      Thomas Wouters yazdı
      > ----------------------------
      > revision
      > date: 2003/06/12 09:14:17;  author: anthonybaxter;  state: Exp;  lines: +13 -6
      > preamble is None when missing, not ''.
      > Handle a couple of bogus formatted messages - now parses my main testsuite.
      > Handle message/external-body.
      > ----------------------------
      > revision
      > date: 2003/06/12 07:16:40;  author: anthonybaxter;  state: Exp;  lines: +6 -4
      > epilogue-processing is now the same as the old parser - the newline at the
      > end of the line with the --endboundary-- is included as part of the epilogue.
      > Note that any whitespace after the boundary is _not_ part of the epilogue.
      > ----------------------------
      > revision
      > date: 2003/06/12 06:39:09;  author: anthonybaxter;  state: Exp;  lines: +6 -4
      > message/delivery-status fixed.
      > HeaderParser fixed.
      > ----------------------------
      > revision
      > date: 2003/06/12 06:08:56;  author: anthonybaxter;  state: Exp;  lines: +163 -129
      > A work-in-progress snapshot of the new parser. A couple of known problems:
      > - first (blank) line of MIME epilogues is being consumed
      > - message/delivery-status isn't quite right
      > It still needs a lot of cleanup, but right now it parses a whole lot of
      > badness that the old parser failed on. I also need to think about adding
      > back the old 'strict' flag in some way.
      > =============================================================================
  10. 17 Ock, 2004 1 kayıt (commit)
  11. 30 Ara, 2003 2 kayıt (commit)