README FOR IDLE TESTS IN IDLELIB.IDLE_TEST 1. Test Files The idle directory, idlelib, has over 60 files. The idle_test subdirectory should contain a for each. (For test modules, make 'xyz' lower case, and possibly shorten it.) Each file should start with the something like the following template, with the blanks after after '.' and 'as', and before and after '_' filled in. --- import unittest from import requires import idlelib. as class _Test(unittest.TestCase): def test_(self): if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(verbosity=2, exit=2) --- Idle tests are run with unittest; do not use regrtest's test_main. Once test_xyy is written, the following should go at the end of, with xyz (lowercased) added after 'test_'. --- if __name__ == "__main__": import unittest unittest.main('idlelib.idle_test.test_', verbosity=2, exit=False) --- 2. Gui Tests Gui tests need 'requires' from (test.test_support in 2.7). A test is a gui test if it creates a Tk root or master object either directly or indirectly by instantiating a tkinter or idle class. For the benefit of test processes that either have no graphical environment available or are not allowed to use it, gui tests must be 'guarded' by "requires('gui')" in a setUp function or method. This will typically be setUpClass. To avoid interfering with other gui tests, all gui objects must be destroyed and deleted by the end of the test. If a widget, such as a Tk root, is created in a setUpX function, destroy it in the corresponding tearDownX. For module and class attributes, also delete the widget. --- @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): requires('gui') cls.root = tk.Tk() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): cls.root.destroy() del cls.root --- Support.requires('gui') causes the test(s) it guards to be skipped if any of a few conditions are met: - The tests are being run by, and it was started without enabling the "gui" resource with the "-u" command line option. - The tests are being run on Windows by a service that is not allowed to interact with the graphical environment. - The tests are being run on Mac OSX in a process that cannot make a window manager connection. - tkinter.Tk cannot be successfully instantiated for some reason. - has been set by something other than and does not contain "gui". Since non-gui tests always run, but gui tests only sometimes, tests of non-gui operations should best avoid needing a gui. Methods that make incidental use of tkinter (tk) variables and messageboxes can do this by using the mock classes in idle_test/ There is also a mock text that will handle some uses of the tk Text widget. 3. Running Tests Assume that and end with the "if __name__" statements given above. In Idle, pressing F5 in an editor window with either loaded will run all tests in the test_xyz file with the version of Python running Idle. The test report and any tracebacks will appear in the Shell window. The options in these "if __name__" statements are appropriate for developers running (as opposed to importing) either of the files during development: verbosity=2 lists all test methods in the file; exit=False avoids a spurious sys.exit traceback that would otherwise occur when running in Idle. The following command lines also run all test methods, including gui tests, in (The exceptions are that idlelib and idlelib.idle start Idle and idlelib.PyShell should (issue 18330).) python -m # With the capitalization of the xyz module python -m idlelib.idle_test.test_xyz To run all idle_test/test_*.py tests, either interactively ('>>>', with unittest imported) or from a command line, use one of the following. (Notes: in 2.7, 'test ' (with the space) is 'test.regrtest '; where present, -v and -ugui can be omitted.) >>> unittest.main('idlelib.idle_test', verbosity=2, exit=False) python -m unittest -v idlelib.idle_test python -m test -v -ugui test_idle python -m test.test_idle The idle tests are 'discovered' by idlelib.idle_test.__init__.load_tests, which is also imported into test.test_idle. Normally, neither file should be changed when working on individual test modules. The third command runs unittest indirectly through regrtest. The same happens when the entire test suite is run with 'python -m test'. So that command must work for buildbots to stay green. Idle tests must not disturb the environment in a way that makes other tests fail (issue 18081). To run an individual Testcase or test method, extend the dotted name given to unittest on the command line. python -m unittest -v idlelib.idle_test.test_xyz.Test_case.test_meth
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