• Amaury Forgeot d'Arc's avatar
    Merged revisions… · 35c8658a
    Amaury Forgeot d'Arc yazdı
    Merged revisions 64119,64147,64150,64165,64219-64221,64229-64230,64233,64235,64253,64278,64280,64301,64303,64320,64328,64338-64339 via svnmerge from
      r64119 | andrew.kuchling | 2008-06-11 14:53:14 +0200 (mer., 11 juin 2008) | 1 line
      Note PEP 371 section
      r64147 | benjamin.peterson | 2008-06-11 22:04:30 +0200 (mer., 11 juin 2008) | 2 lines
      update ACKS and NEWs for multiprocessing
      r64150 | georg.brandl | 2008-06-11 22:28:06 +0200 (mer., 11 juin 2008) | 2 lines
      Can we agree to put dots at entry ends? Thanks.
      r64165 | armin.rigo | 2008-06-12 11:50:58 +0200 (jeu., 12 juin 2008) | 3 lines
      Sounds obvious, but I didn't even realize that you can put non-string
      keys in type dictionaries without using this locals() hack.
      r64219 | neal.norwitz | 2008-06-13 08:00:46 +0200 (ven., 13 juin 2008) | 1 line
      Check for memory alloc failure
      r64220 | neal.norwitz | 2008-06-13 08:02:26 +0200 (ven., 13 juin 2008) | 3 lines
      Fix some memory dealloc problems when exceptions occur.
      It caused: "Fatal Python error: UNREF invalid object" in the DoubleTest.
      r64221 | neal.norwitz | 2008-06-13 08:03:25 +0200 (ven., 13 juin 2008) | 3 lines
      Fix typo in method name.  The LT class implemented less than.  The LE class
      should implement less than or equal to (as the code does).
      r64229 | georg.brandl | 2008-06-13 15:26:54 +0200 (ven., 13 juin 2008) | 2 lines
      r64230 | robert.schuppenies | 2008-06-13 15:29:37 +0200 (ven., 13 juin 2008) | 2 lines
      Fixed: sys.getsizeof does not take the actual length of the tuples into account.
      r64233 | benjamin.peterson | 2008-06-13 17:11:50 +0200 (ven., 13 juin 2008) | 2 lines
      platform.uname now tries to fill empty values even when os.uname is present
      r64235 | benjamin.peterson | 2008-06-13 17:41:09 +0200 (ven., 13 juin 2008) | 1 line
      set svn:ignore on multiprocessing
      r64253 | andrew.kuchling | 2008-06-13 21:38:18 +0200 (ven., 13 juin 2008) | 1 line
      Typo fixes
      r64278 | martin.v.loewis | 2008-06-14 16:24:47 +0200 (sam., 14 juin 2008) | 2 lines
      Disable UAC by default.
      r64280 | gregory.p.smith | 2008-06-14 19:34:09 +0200 (sam., 14 juin 2008) | 3 lines
      silence the test when it is skipped on some platforms.  should fix a
      r64301 | georg.brandl | 2008-06-15 21:54:36 +0200 (dim., 15 juin 2008) | 2 lines
      Forward-port new test from r64300.
      r64303 | raymond.hettinger | 2008-06-16 03:42:40 +0200 (lun., 16 juin 2008) | 1 line
      Issue 3116: fix quadratic behavior in marshal.dumps().
      r64320 | georg.brandl | 2008-06-16 23:00:47 +0200 (lun., 16 juin 2008) | 2 lines
      Add Jesse Noller to the developers list.
      r64328 | georg.brandl | 2008-06-17 11:01:35 +0200 (mar., 17 juin 2008) | 2 lines
      Split the HTML index.
      r64338 | vinay.sajip | 2008-06-17 13:02:14 +0200 (mar., 17 juin 2008) | 1 line
      Bug #3126: StreamHandler and FileHandler check before calling "flush" and "close" that the stream object has these, using hasattr (thanks to bobf for the patch).
      r64339 | vinay.sajip | 2008-06-17 13:04:02 +0200 (mar., 17 juin 2008) | 1 line
      Updated with fix for #3126.
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