• Raymond Hettinger's avatar
    Backport: · e780c12c
    Raymond Hettinger yazdı
    The test for re.engine was misfiring because re.engine is no longer
    defined and the default was "pre" instead of "sre".  Give up on 1.5.2
    compatibility, hardcode the sre solution.  However, this XXX comment
    still applies, AFAIK:
            # XXX This code depends on internals of the regular expression
            # engine!  There's no standard API to do a substitution when you
            # have already found the match.  One should be added.
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IDLE 0.5 - February 2000

This is an early release of IDLE, my own attempt at a Tkinter-based
IDE for Python.

For news about this release, see the file NEWS.txt.  (For a more
detailed change log, see the file ChangeLog.)


IDLE has the following features:

- coded in 100% pure Python, using the Tkinter GUI toolkit (i.e. Tcl/Tk)

- cross-platform: works on Windows and Unix (on the Mac, there are
currently problems with Tcl/Tk)

- multi-window text editor with multiple undo, Python colorizing
and many other features, e.g. smart indent and call tips

- Python shell window (a.k.a. interactive interpreter)

- debugger (not complete, but you can set breakpoints, view  and step)


The main program is in the file "idle.py"; on Unix, you should be able
to run it by typing "./idle.py" to your shell.  On Windows, you can
run it by double-clicking it; you can use idle.pyw to avoid popping up
a DOS console.  If you want to pass command line arguments on Windows,
use the batch file idle.bat.

Command line arguments: files passed on the command line are executed,
not opened for editing, unless you give the -e command line option.
Try "./idle.py -h" to see other command line options.

IDLE requires Python 1.5.2, so it is currently only usable with a
Python 1.5.2 distribution.  (An older version of IDLE is distributed
with Python 1.5.2; you can drop this version on top of it.)


IDLE is covered by the standard Python copyright notice


For feedback, please use the Python Bugs List

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)