• Guido van Rossum's avatar
    Fixed several bugs reported by Greg McFarmane: · 9fd41e36
    Guido van Rossum yazdı
     *  The invoke methods of the three Tkinter widgets Button,
        Checkbutton and Radiobutton should return the value returned by
        the callback, (like the Menu widget does):
    	def invoke(self):
    	    return self.tk.call(self._w, 'invoke')
     *  The select_from method of the Canvas widget should use 'from', not
    	def select_from(self, tagOrId, index):
    	    self.tk.call(self._w, 'select', 'from', tagOrId, index)
        Currently, if you use select_from, you get the error message:
     'TclError: bad select option "set": must be adjust, clear, from, item, or to'
     *  The 'entrycget' and 'type' methods of the Tk menu widget are
        missing from Tkinter.
     *  There is a bug in grid_columnconfigure and grid_rowconfigure.  For
        example, this should return the current value of the 'minsize'
        option for column 0:
    	f.grid_columnconfigure(0, 'minsize')
        Instead it returns the same as:
        I suggest that the hint given in the comment in the
        Tkinter.Misc.configure method should be followed - "ought to
        generalize this so tag_config etc.  can use it".  Repeating the
        same configure code several times in Tkinter is inviting errors.
        [I did not follow this advice --G]
     *  The grid_slaves method should handle options.  Currently, to pass
        options to the grid_slaves method, you have to do something like:
    	grid_slaves('-row', 1)
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