• Georg Brandl's avatar
    Merged revisions… · d98934c4
    Georg Brandl yazdı
    Merged revisions 87101,87146,87156,87172,87175,87371,87378,87522-87524,87526-87528,87530-87536,87581 via svnmerge from
      r87101 | georg.brandl | 2010-12-06 23:02:48 +0100 (Mo, 06 Dez 2010) | 1 line
      Remove visible XXX comments.
      r87146 | georg.brandl | 2010-12-09 19:08:43 +0100 (Do, 09 Dez 2010) | 1 line
      Fix "seperate".
      r87156 | georg.brandl | 2010-12-10 11:01:44 +0100 (Fr, 10 Dez 2010) | 1 line
      #10668: fix wrong call of __init__.
      r87172 | georg.brandl | 2010-12-11 20:10:30 +0100 (Sa, 11 Dez 2010) | 1 line
      Avoid AttributeError(_closed) when a TemporaryDirectory is deallocated whose mkdtemp call failed.
      r87175 | georg.brandl | 2010-12-11 23:19:34 +0100 (Sa, 11 Dez 2010) | 1 line
      Fix markup.
      r87371 | georg.brandl | 2010-12-18 17:21:58 +0100 (Sa, 18 Dez 2010) | 1 line
      Fix typo.
      r87378 | georg.brandl | 2010-12-18 18:51:28 +0100 (Sa, 18 Dez 2010) | 1 line
      #10723: add missing builtin exceptions.
      r87522 | georg.brandl | 2010-12-28 10:16:12 +0100 (Di, 28 Dez 2010) | 1 line
      Replace sys.maxint mention by sys.maxsize.
      r87523 | georg.brandl | 2010-12-28 10:18:24 +0100 (Di, 28 Dez 2010) | 1 line
      Remove confusing paragraph -- this is relevant only to advanced users anyway and does not belong into the tutorial.
      r87524 | georg.brandl | 2010-12-28 10:29:19 +0100 (Di, 28 Dez 2010) | 1 line
      Fix advice: call PyType_Ready to fill in ob_type of custom types.
      r87526 | georg.brandl | 2010-12-28 11:38:33 +0100 (Di, 28 Dez 2010) | 1 line
      #10777: fix iteration over dict keys while mutating the dict.
      r87527 | georg.brandl | 2010-12-28 11:56:20 +0100 (Di, 28 Dez 2010) | 1 line
      #10768: fix ScrolledText widget construction, and make the example work from the interactive shell.
      r87528 | georg.brandl | 2010-12-28 12:02:12 +0100 (Di, 28 Dez 2010) | 1 line
      Add news entry and clarify another.
      r87530 | georg.brandl | 2010-12-28 12:06:07 +0100 (Di, 28 Dez 2010) | 1 line
      #10767: update README in crashers; not all may have a bug entry and/or be fixed.
      r87531 | georg.brandl | 2010-12-28 12:08:17 +0100 (Di, 28 Dez 2010) | 1 line
      #10742: document readonly attribute of memoryviews.
      r87532 | georg.brandl | 2010-12-28 12:15:49 +0100 (Di, 28 Dez 2010) | 1 line
      #10781: clarify that *encoding* is not a parameter for Node objects in general.
      r87533 | georg.brandl | 2010-12-28 12:38:12 +0100 (Di, 28 Dez 2010) | 1 line
      Remove history; adapt a bit more to reST, since this will once be part of the dev guide.
      r87534 | georg.brandl | 2010-12-28 12:48:53 +0100 (Di, 28 Dez 2010) | 1 line
      r87535 | georg.brandl | 2010-12-28 12:49:41 +0100 (Di, 28 Dez 2010) | 1 line
      #10739: document that on Windows, socket.makefile() does not make a file that has a true file descriptor usable where such a thing is expected.
      r87536 | georg.brandl | 2010-12-28 12:53:25 +0100 (Di, 28 Dez 2010) | 1 line
      #10609: fix non-working dbm example.
      r87581 | georg.brandl | 2010-12-30 18:36:17 +0100 (Do, 30 Dez 2010) | 1 line
      Fix NameErrors.
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