• Georg Brandl's avatar
    Merged revisions… · f55aa80b
    Georg Brandl yazdı
    Merged revisions 85820,85823,85825,85840,85843-85845,85849-85851,85855,85867,85875,85907-85908,85911,85914 via svnmerge from
      r85820 | georg.brandl | 2010-10-24 16:20:22 +0200 (So, 24 Okt 2010) | 1 line
      Remove usage of exception indexing.
      r85823 | georg.brandl | 2010-10-24 16:32:45 +0200 (So, 24 Okt 2010) | 1 line
      Fix style.
      r85825 | georg.brandl | 2010-10-24 17:16:02 +0200 (So, 24 Okt 2010) | 1 line
      Add documentation about the default warnings filters.
      r85840 | georg.brandl | 2010-10-25 19:50:20 +0200 (Mo, 25 Okt 2010) | 1 line
      #3018: tkinter demo fixes for py3k.
      r85843 | georg.brandl | 2010-10-26 08:59:23 +0200 (Di, 26 Okt 2010) | 1 line
      Markup fix.
      r85844 | georg.brandl | 2010-10-26 12:39:14 +0200 (Di, 26 Okt 2010) | 1 line
      Work a bit more on tkinter demos.
      r85845 | georg.brandl | 2010-10-26 12:42:16 +0200 (Di, 26 Okt 2010) | 1 line
      faqwiz is removed.
      r85849 | georg.brandl | 2010-10-26 21:31:06 +0200 (Di, 26 Okt 2010) | 1 line
      #10200: typo.
      r85850 | georg.brandl | 2010-10-26 21:58:11 +0200 (Di, 26 Okt 2010) | 1 line
      #10200: typo.
      r85851 | georg.brandl | 2010-10-26 22:12:37 +0200 (Di, 26 Okt 2010) | 1 line
      Fix import.
      r85855 | georg.brandl | 2010-10-27 09:21:54 +0200 (Mi, 27 Okt 2010) | 1 line
      Encoding fix.
      r85867 | georg.brandl | 2010-10-27 22:01:51 +0200 (Mi, 27 Okt 2010) | 1 line
      Add David.
      r85875 | georg.brandl | 2010-10-28 10:38:30 +0200 (Do, 28 Okt 2010) | 1 line
      Fix bytes/str issues in get-remote-certificate.py.
      r85907 | georg.brandl | 2010-10-29 06:54:13 +0200 (Fr, 29 Okt 2010) | 1 line
      #10222: fix for overzealous AIX compiler.
      r85908 | georg.brandl | 2010-10-29 07:22:17 +0200 (Fr, 29 Okt 2010) | 1 line
      send_bytes obviously needs bytes...
      r85911 | georg.brandl | 2010-10-29 07:36:28 +0200 (Fr, 29 Okt 2010) | 1 line
      Fix markup error and update false positive entries from "make suspicious".
      r85914 | georg.brandl | 2010-10-29 08:17:38 +0200 (Fr, 29 Okt 2010) | 1 line
      (?:...) is a non-capturing, but still grouping construct.
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