test_imagefield.py 15.7 KB
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from __future__ import unicode_literals

3 4
import os
import shutil
from unittest import skipIf

from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
8 9 10
from django.core.files import File
from django.core.files.images import ImageFile
from django.test import TestCase
from django.utils._os import upath

13 14 15 16
    from .models import Image
except ImproperlyConfigured:
    Image = None
17 18

if Image:
19 20
    from .models import (Person, PersonWithHeight, PersonWithHeightAndWidth,
        PersonDimensionsFirst, PersonTwoImages, TestImageFieldFile)
    from .models import temp_storage_dir
    # Pillow not available, create dummy classes (tests will be skipped anyway)
24 25 26 27 28
    class Person():
    PersonWithHeight = PersonWithHeightAndWidth = PersonDimensionsFirst = Person
    PersonTwoImages = Person


30 31 32 33
class ImageFieldTestMixin(object):
    Mixin class to provide common functionality to ImageField test classes.

35 36 37 38 39 40
    # Person model to use for tests.
    PersonModel = PersonWithHeightAndWidth
    # File class to use for file instances.
    File = ImageFile

    def setUp(self):
42 43 44 45
        Creates a pristine temp directory (or deletes and recreates if it
        already exists) that the model uses as its storage directory.

        Sets up two ImageFile instances for use in tests.
47 48 49
        if os.path.exists(temp_storage_dir):

        file_path1 = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(upath(__file__)), "4x8.png")
        self.file1 = self.File(open(file_path1, 'rb'))

        file_path2 = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(upath(__file__)), "8x4.png")
        self.file2 = self.File(open(file_path2, 'rb'))

57 58 59 60
    def tearDown(self):
        Removes temp directory and all its contents.
61 62

65 66 67 68 69 70
    def check_dimensions(self, instance, width, height,
        Asserts that the given width and height values match both the
        field's height and width attributes and the height and width fields
        (if defined) the image field is caching to.

72 73 74 75
        Note, this method will check for dimension fields named by adding
        "_width" or "_height" to the name of the ImageField.  So, the
        models used in these tests must have their fields named

77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97
        By default, we check the field named "mugshot", but this can be
        specified by passing the field_name parameter.
        field = getattr(instance, field_name)
        # Check height/width attributes of field.
        if width is None and height is None:
            self.assertRaises(ValueError, getattr, field, 'width')
            self.assertRaises(ValueError, getattr, field, 'height')
            self.assertEqual(field.width, width)
            self.assertEqual(field.height, height)

        # Check height/width fields of model, if defined.
        width_field_name = field_name + '_width'
        if hasattr(instance, width_field_name):
            self.assertEqual(getattr(instance, width_field_name), width)
        height_field_name = field_name + '_height'
        if hasattr(instance, height_field_name):
            self.assertEqual(getattr(instance, height_field_name), height)

@skipIf(Image is None, "Pillow is required to test ImageField")
99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138
class ImageFieldTests(ImageFieldTestMixin, TestCase):
    Tests for ImageField that don't need to be run with each of the
    different test model classes.

    def test_equal_notequal_hash(self):
        Bug #9786: Ensure '==' and '!=' work correctly.
        Bug #9508: make sure hash() works as expected (equal items must
        hash to the same value).
        # Create two Persons with different mugshots.
        p1 = self.PersonModel(name="Joe")
        p1.mugshot.save("mug", self.file1)
        p2 = self.PersonModel(name="Bob")
        p2.mugshot.save("mug", self.file2)
        self.assertEqual(p1.mugshot == p2.mugshot, False)
        self.assertEqual(p1.mugshot != p2.mugshot, True)

        # Test again with an instance fetched from the db.
        p1_db = self.PersonModel.objects.get(name="Joe")
        self.assertEqual(p1_db.mugshot == p2.mugshot, False)
        self.assertEqual(p1_db.mugshot != p2.mugshot, True)

        # Instance from db should match the local instance.
        self.assertEqual(p1_db.mugshot == p1.mugshot, True)
        self.assertEqual(hash(p1_db.mugshot), hash(p1.mugshot))
        self.assertEqual(p1_db.mugshot != p1.mugshot, False)

    def test_instantiate_missing(self):
        If the underlying file is unavailable, still create instantiate the
        object without error.
        p = self.PersonModel(name="Joan")
        p.mugshot.save("shot", self.file1)
        p = self.PersonModel.objects.get(name="Joan")
        path = p.mugshot.path
        shutil.move(path, path + '.moved')
140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149

    def test_delete_when_missing(self):
        Bug #8175: correctly delete an object where the file no longer
        exists on the file system.
        p = self.PersonModel(name="Fred")
        p.mugshot.save("shot", self.file1)

151 152 153 154 155 156
    def test_size_method(self):
        Bug #8534: FileField.size should not leave the file open.
        p = self.PersonModel(name="Joan")
        p.mugshot.save("shot", self.file1)

158 159 160 161
        # Get a "clean" model instance
        p = self.PersonModel.objects.get(name="Joan")
        # It won't have an opened file.
        self.assertEqual(p.mugshot.closed, True)

        # After asking for the size, the file should still be closed.
        self.assertEqual(p.mugshot.closed, True)

167 168 169 170 171 172
    def test_pickle(self):
        Tests that ImageField can be pickled, unpickled, and that the
        image of the unpickled version is the same as the original.
        import pickle

174 175 176
        p = Person(name="Joe")
        p.mugshot.save("mug", self.file1)
        dump = pickle.dumps(p)

178 179
        p2 = Person(name="Bob")
        p2.mugshot = self.file1

181 182
        loaded_p = pickle.loads(dump)
        self.assertEqual(p.mugshot, loaded_p.mugshot)
183 184

@skipIf(Image is None, "Pillow is required to test ImageField")
186 187 188 189
class ImageFieldTwoDimensionsTests(ImageFieldTestMixin, TestCase):
    Tests behavior of an ImageField and its dimensions fields.

191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198
    def test_constructor(self):
        Tests assigning an image field through the model's constructor.
        p = self.PersonModel(name='Joe', mugshot=self.file1)
        self.check_dimensions(p, 4, 8)
        self.check_dimensions(p, 4, 8)

200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298
    def test_image_after_constructor(self):
        Tests behavior when image is not passed in constructor.
        p = self.PersonModel(name='Joe')
        # TestImageField value will default to being an instance of its
        # attr_class, a  TestImageFieldFile, with name == None, which will
        # cause it to evaluate as False.
        self.assertEqual(isinstance(p.mugshot, TestImageFieldFile), True)
        self.assertEqual(bool(p.mugshot), False)

        # Test setting a fresh created model instance.
        p = self.PersonModel(name='Joe')
        p.mugshot = self.file1
        self.check_dimensions(p, 4, 8)

    def test_create(self):
        Tests assigning an image in Manager.create().
        p = self.PersonModel.objects.create(name='Joe', mugshot=self.file1)
        self.check_dimensions(p, 4, 8)

    def test_default_value(self):
        Tests that the default value for an ImageField is an instance of
        the field's attr_class (TestImageFieldFile in this case) with no
        name (name set to None).
        p = self.PersonModel()
        self.assertEqual(isinstance(p.mugshot, TestImageFieldFile), True)
        self.assertEqual(bool(p.mugshot), False)

    def test_assignment_to_None(self):
        Tests that assigning ImageField to None clears dimensions.
        p = self.PersonModel(name='Joe', mugshot=self.file1)
        self.check_dimensions(p, 4, 8)

        # If image assigned to None, dimension fields should be cleared.
        p.mugshot = None
        self.check_dimensions(p, None, None)

        p.mugshot = self.file2
        self.check_dimensions(p, 8, 4)

    def test_field_save_and_delete_methods(self):
        Tests assignment using the field's save method and deletion using
        the field's delete method.
        p = self.PersonModel(name='Joe')
        p.mugshot.save("mug", self.file1)
        self.check_dimensions(p, 4, 8)

        # A new file should update dimensions.
        p.mugshot.save("mug", self.file2)
        self.check_dimensions(p, 8, 4)

        # Field and dimensions should be cleared after a delete.
        self.assertEqual(p.mugshot, None)
        self.check_dimensions(p, None, None)

    def test_dimensions(self):
        Checks that dimensions are updated correctly in various situations.
        p = self.PersonModel(name='Joe')

        # Dimensions should get set if file is saved.
        p.mugshot.save("mug", self.file1)
        self.check_dimensions(p, 4, 8)

        # Test dimensions after fetching from database.
        p = self.PersonModel.objects.get(name='Joe')
        # Bug 11084: Dimensions should not get recalculated if file is
        # coming from the database.  We test this by checking if the file
        # was opened.
        self.assertEqual(p.mugshot.was_opened, False)
        self.check_dimensions(p, 4, 8)
        # After checking dimensions on the image field, the file will have
        # opened.
        self.assertEqual(p.mugshot.was_opened, True)
        # Dimensions should now be cached, and if we reset was_opened and
        # check dimensions again, the file should not have opened.
        p.mugshot.was_opened = False
        self.check_dimensions(p, 4, 8)
        self.assertEqual(p.mugshot.was_opened, False)

        # If we assign a new image to the instance, the dimensions should
        # update.
        p.mugshot = self.file2
        self.check_dimensions(p, 8, 4)
        # Dimensions were recalculated, and hence file should have opened.
        self.assertEqual(p.mugshot.was_opened, True)

@skipIf(Image is None, "Pillow is required to test ImageField")
300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307
class ImageFieldNoDimensionsTests(ImageFieldTwoDimensionsTests):
    Tests behavior of an ImageField with no dimension fields.

    PersonModel = Person

@skipIf(Image is None, "Pillow is required to test ImageField")
309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316
class ImageFieldOneDimensionTests(ImageFieldTwoDimensionsTests):
    Tests behavior of an ImageField with one dimensions field.

    PersonModel = PersonWithHeight

@skipIf(Image is None, "Pillow is required to test ImageField")
318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326
class ImageFieldDimensionsFirstTests(ImageFieldTwoDimensionsTests):
    Tests behavior of an ImageField where the dimensions fields are
    defined before the ImageField.

    PersonModel = PersonDimensionsFirst

@skipIf(Image is None, "Pillow is required to test ImageField")
328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337
class ImageFieldUsingFileTests(ImageFieldTwoDimensionsTests):
    Tests behavior of an ImageField when assigning it a File instance
    rather than an ImageFile instance.

    PersonModel = PersonDimensionsFirst
    File = File

@skipIf(Image is None, "Pillow is required to test ImageField")
339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416
class TwoImageFieldTests(ImageFieldTestMixin, TestCase):
    Tests a model with two ImageFields.

    PersonModel = PersonTwoImages

    def test_constructor(self):
        p = self.PersonModel(mugshot=self.file1, headshot=self.file2)
        self.check_dimensions(p, 4, 8, 'mugshot')
        self.check_dimensions(p, 8, 4, 'headshot')
        self.check_dimensions(p, 4, 8, 'mugshot')
        self.check_dimensions(p, 8, 4, 'headshot')

    def test_create(self):
        p = self.PersonModel.objects.create(mugshot=self.file1,
        self.check_dimensions(p, 4, 8)
        self.check_dimensions(p, 8, 4, 'headshot')

    def test_assignment(self):
        p = self.PersonModel()
        self.check_dimensions(p, None, None, 'mugshot')
        self.check_dimensions(p, None, None, 'headshot')

        p.mugshot = self.file1
        self.check_dimensions(p, 4, 8, 'mugshot')
        self.check_dimensions(p, None, None, 'headshot')
        p.headshot = self.file2
        self.check_dimensions(p, 4, 8, 'mugshot')
        self.check_dimensions(p, 8, 4, 'headshot')

        # Clear the ImageFields one at a time.
        p.mugshot = None
        self.check_dimensions(p, None, None, 'mugshot')
        self.check_dimensions(p, 8, 4, 'headshot')
        p.headshot = None
        self.check_dimensions(p, None, None, 'mugshot')
        self.check_dimensions(p, None, None, 'headshot')

    def test_field_save_and_delete_methods(self):
        p = self.PersonModel(name='Joe')
        p.mugshot.save("mug", self.file1)
        self.check_dimensions(p, 4, 8, 'mugshot')
        self.check_dimensions(p, None, None, 'headshot')
        p.headshot.save("head", self.file2)
        self.check_dimensions(p, 4, 8, 'mugshot')
        self.check_dimensions(p, 8, 4, 'headshot')

        # We can use save=True when deleting the image field with null=True
        # dimension fields and the other field has an image.
        self.check_dimensions(p, 4, 8, 'mugshot')
        self.check_dimensions(p, None, None, 'headshot')
        self.check_dimensions(p, None, None, 'mugshot')
        self.check_dimensions(p, None, None, 'headshot')

    def test_dimensions(self):
        Checks that dimensions are updated correctly in various situations.
        p = self.PersonModel(name='Joe')

        # Dimensions should get set for the saved file.
        p.mugshot.save("mug", self.file1)
        p.headshot.save("head", self.file2)
        self.check_dimensions(p, 4, 8, 'mugshot')
        self.check_dimensions(p, 8, 4, 'headshot')

        # Test dimensions after fetching from database.
        p = self.PersonModel.objects.get(name='Joe')
        # Bug 11084: Dimensions should not get recalculated if file is
        # coming from the database.  We test this by checking if the file
        # was opened.
        self.assertEqual(p.mugshot.was_opened, False)
        self.assertEqual(p.headshot.was_opened, False)
        self.check_dimensions(p, 4, 8, 'mugshot')
418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426
        self.check_dimensions(p, 8, 4, 'headshot')
        # After checking dimensions on the image fields, the files will
        # have been opened.
        self.assertEqual(p.mugshot.was_opened, True)
        self.assertEqual(p.headshot.was_opened, True)
        # Dimensions should now be cached, and if we reset was_opened and
        # check dimensions again, the file should not have opened.
        p.mugshot.was_opened = False
        p.headshot.was_opened = False
        self.check_dimensions(p, 4, 8, 'mugshot')
428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440
        self.check_dimensions(p, 8, 4, 'headshot')
        self.assertEqual(p.mugshot.was_opened, False)
        self.assertEqual(p.headshot.was_opened, False)

        # If we assign a new image to the instance, the dimensions should
        # update.
        p.mugshot = self.file2
        p.headshot = self.file1
        self.check_dimensions(p, 8, 4, 'mugshot')
        self.check_dimensions(p, 4, 8, 'headshot')
        # Dimensions were recalculated, and hence file should have opened.
        self.assertEqual(p.mugshot.was_opened, True)
        self.assertEqual(p.headshot.was_opened, True)