1.11.1.txt 3.52 KB
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Django 1.11.1 release notes

*Under development*

Django 1.11.1 fixes several bugs in 1.11.


12 13 14
* Made migrations respect ``Index``’s ``name`` argument. If you created a
  named index with Django 1.11, ``makemigrations`` will create a migration to
  recreate the index with the correct name (:ticket:`28051`).
15 16 17

* Fixed a crash when using a ``__icontains`` lookup on a ``ArrayField``
18 19 20

* Fixed a crash when using a two-tuple in ``EmailMessage``’s ``attachments``
  argument (:ticket:`28042`).
21 22 23

* Fixed ``QuerySet.filter()`` crash when it references the name of a
  ``OneToOneField`` primary key (:ticket:`28047`).
24 25 26

* Fixed empty POST data table appearing instead of "No POST data" in HTML debug
  page (:ticket:`28079`).
27 28 29

* Restored ``BoundField``\s without any ``choices`` evaluating to ``True``
30 31 32

* Prevented ``SessionBase.cycle_key()`` from losing session data if
  ``_session_cache`` isn't populated (:ticket:`28066`).
33 34 35

* Fixed layout of ``ReadOnlyPasswordHashWidget`` (used in the admin's user
  change page) (:ticket:`28097`).
36 37 38

* Allowed prefetch calls on managers with custom ``ModelIterable`` subclasses

40 41 42
* Fixed change password link in the ``contrib.auth`` admin for ``el``,
  ``es_MX``, and ``pt`` translations (:ticket:`28100`).

43 44 45
* Restored the output of the ``class`` attribute in the ``<ul>`` of widgets
  that use the ``multiple_input.html`` template. This fixes
  ``ModelAdmin.radio_fields`` with ``admin.HORIZONTAL`` (:ticket:`28059`).
46 47

* Fixed crash in ``BaseGeometryWidget.subwidgets()`` (:ticket:`28039`).
48 49 50

* Fixed exception reraising in ORM query execution when ``cursor.execute()``
  fails and the subsequent ``cursor.close()`` also fails (:ticket:`28091`).
51 52 53 54

* Fixed a regression where ``CheckboxSelectMultiple``, ``NullBooleanSelect``,
  ``RadioSelect``, ``SelectMultiple``, and ``Select`` localized option values
55 56 57

* Corrected the stack level of unordered queryset pagination warnings
58 59 60

* Fixed a regression causing incorrect queries for ``__in`` subquery lookups
  when models use ``ForeignKey.to_field`` (:ticket:`28101`).
61 62 63

* Fixed crash when overriding the template of
  ``django.views.static.directory_index()`` (:ticket:`28122`).
64 65 66

* Fixed a regression in formset ``min_num`` validation with unchanged forms
  that have initial data (:ticket:`28130`).
67 68

* Prepared for ``cx_Oracle`` 6.0 support (:ticket:`28138`).
69 70 71

* Updated the ``contrib.postgres`` ``SplitArrayWidget`` to use template-based
  widget rendering (:ticket:`28040`).
72 73 74

* Fixed crash in ``BaseGeometryWidget.get_context()`` when overriding existing
  ``attrs`` (:ticket:`28105`).
75 76 77

* Prevented ``AddIndex`` and ``RemoveIndex`` from mutating model state
78 79 80

* Prevented migrations from dropping database indexes from ``Meta.indexes``
  when changing ``Field.db_index`` to ``False`` (:ticket:`28052`).
81 82 83

* Fixed a regression in choice ordering in form fields with grouped and
  non-grouped options (:ticket:`28157`).
84 85 86

* Fixed crash in  ``BaseInlineFormSet._construct_form()`` when using
  ``save_as_new`` (:ticket:`28159`).
87 88 89 90

* Fixed a regression where ``Model._state.db`` wasn't set correctly on
  multi-table inheritance parent models after saving a child model
91 92 93

* Corrected the return type of ``ArrayField(CITextField())`` values retrieved
  from the database (:ticket:`28161`).
94 95 96

* Fixed ``QuerySet.prefetch_related()`` crash when fetching relations in nested
  ``Prefetch`` objects (:ticket:`27554`).