Kaydet (Commit) 0b54ab06 authored tarafından Tim Graham's avatar Tim Graham

Refs #30033 -- Fixed schema's test_m2m_rename_field_in_target_model test failure on SQLite < 3.20.

Mixing local test models with non-local models resulted in a referential
integrity error during tear down since the models are removed in separate
schema editor instances which each check constraints.

Failure appeared after 7289874a.
üst b74b6736
......@@ -1455,14 +1455,14 @@ class SchemaTests(TransactionTestCase):
def test_m2m_rename_field_in_target_model(self):
class TagM2MTest(Model):
class LocalTagM2MTest(Model):
title = CharField(max_length=255)
class Meta:
app_label = 'schema'
class LocalM2M(Model):
tags = ManyToManyField(TagM2MTest)
tags = ManyToManyField(LocalTagM2MTest)
class Meta:
app_label = 'schema'
......@@ -1470,18 +1470,19 @@ class SchemaTests(TransactionTestCase):
# Create the tables.
with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
self.isolated_local_models = [LocalM2M, LocalTagM2MTest]
# Ensure the m2m table is there.
self.assertEqual(len(self.column_classes(LocalM2M)), 1)
# Alter a field in TagM2MTest.
old_field = TagM2MTest._meta.get_field('title')
# Alter a field in LocalTagM2MTest.
old_field = LocalTagM2MTest._meta.get_field('title')
new_field = CharField(max_length=254)
new_field.contribute_to_class(TagM2MTest, 'title1')
new_field.contribute_to_class(LocalTagM2MTest, 'title1')
# @isolate_apps() and inner models are needed to have the model
# relations populated, otherwise this doesn't act as a regression test.
self.assertEqual(len(new_field.model._meta.related_objects), 1)
with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
editor.alter_field(TagM2MTest, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
editor.alter_field(LocalTagM2MTest, old_field, new_field, strict=True)
# Ensure the m2m table is still there.
self.assertEqual(len(self.column_classes(LocalM2M)), 1)
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