Kaydet (Commit) 0de0699d authored tarafından Tim Graham's avatar Tim Graham Kaydeden (comit) GitHub

Fixed #27788 -- Dropped support for Oracle < 12.1.

üst a6755b29
......@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ from django.contrib.gis.db.models import aggregates
from django.contrib.gis.geometry.backend import Geometry
from django.contrib.gis.measure import Distance
from django.db.backends.oracle.operations import DatabaseOperations
from django.utils.functional import cached_property
......@@ -132,15 +131,10 @@ class OracleOperations(BaseSpatialOperations, DatabaseOperations):
truncate_params = {'relate': None}
def unsupported_functions(self):
unsupported = {
'AsGeoJSON', 'AsKML', 'AsSVG', 'Envelope', 'ForceRHR', 'GeoHash',
'MakeValid', 'MemSize', 'Scale', 'SnapToGrid', 'Translate',
if self.connection.oracle_full_version < '':
return unsupported
unsupported_functions = {
'AsGeoJSON', 'AsKML', 'AsSVG', 'Envelope', 'ForceRHR', 'GeoHash',
'MakeValid', 'MemSize', 'Scale', 'SnapToGrid', 'Translate',
def geo_quote_name(self, name):
return super().geo_quote_name(name).upper()
......@@ -253,18 +253,15 @@ class BaseDatabaseFeatures:
except NotImplementedError:
return False
def introspected_boolean_field_type(self, field=None, created_separately=False):
def introspected_boolean_field_type(self, field=None):
What is the type returned when the backend introspects a BooleanField?
The optional arguments may be used to give further details of the field to be
introspected; in particular, they are provided by Django's test suite:
field -- the field definition
created_separately -- True if the field was added via a SchemaEditor's AddField,
False if the field was created with the model
Note that return value from this function is compared by tests against actual
introspection results; it should provide expectations, not run an introspection
The `field` argument may be used to give further details of the field
to be introspected.
The return value from this function is compared by tests against actual
introspection results; it should provide expectations, not run an
introspection itself.
if self.can_introspect_null and field and field.null:
return 'NullBooleanField'
......@@ -35,18 +35,3 @@ class DatabaseFeatures(BaseDatabaseFeatures):
# Oracle doesn't ignore quoted identifiers case but the current backend
# does by uppercasing all identifiers.
ignores_table_name_case = True
def introspected_boolean_field_type(self, field=None, created_separately=False):
Some versions of Oracle -- we've seen this on and suspect
it goes back -- have a weird bug where, when an integer column is
added to an existing table with a default, its precision is later
reported on introspection as 0, regardless of the real precision.
For Django introspection, this means that such columns are reported
as IntegerField even if they are really BigIntegerField or BooleanField.
The bug is solved in Oracle and up.
if self.connection.oracle_full_version < '' and field and field.has_default() and created_separately:
return 'IntegerField'
return super().introspected_boolean_field_type(field, created_separately)
......@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ Function PostGIS Oracle MySQL Spat
:class:`AsGML` X X X
:class:`AsKML` X X
:class:`AsSVG` X X
:class:`BoundingCircle` X X (≥
:class:`BoundingCircle` X X
:class:`Centroid` X X X X
:class:`Difference` X X X (≥ 5.6.1) X
:class:`Distance` X X X (≥ 5.6.1) X
......@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ __ http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/
.. class:: BoundingCircle(expression, num_seg=48, **extra)
*Availability*: `PostGIS <http://postgis.net/docs/ST_MinimumBoundingCircle.html>`__,
`Oracle (≥ <https://docs.oracle.com/database/121/SPATL/GUID-82A61626-BB64-4793-B53D-A0DBEC91831A.htm#SPATL1554>`_
`Oracle <https://docs.oracle.com/database/121/SPATL/GUID-82A61626-BB64-4793-B53D-A0DBEC91831A.htm#SPATL1554>`_
Accepts a single geographic field or expression and returns the smallest circle
polygon that can fully contain the geometry.
......@@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ rather than a list. SQLite does not support this.
Oracle notes
Django supports `Oracle Database Server`_ versions 11.2 and higher. Version
Django supports `Oracle Database Server`_ versions 12.1 and higher. Version
5.2 or higher of the `cx_Oracle`_ Python driver is required.
.. _`Oracle Database Server`: http://www.oracle.com/
......@@ -210,6 +210,13 @@ Database backend API
* ...
Dropped support for Oracle 11.2
The end of upstream support for Oracle 11.2 is Dec. 2020. Django 1.11 will be
supported until April 2020 which almost reaches this date. Django 2.0
officially supports Oracle 12.1+.
......@@ -305,10 +305,8 @@ class GISFunctionsTests(TestCase):
for c in mpoly_qs:
self.assertEqual(c.mpoly.num_points, c.num_points)
if not oracle:
# Oracle cannot count vertices in Point geometries.
for c in City.objects.annotate(num_points=functions.NumPoints('point')):
self.assertEqual(1, c.num_points)
for c in City.objects.annotate(num_points=functions.NumPoints('point')):
self.assertEqual(c.num_points, 1)
def test_point_on_surface(self):
......@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ class SchemaTests(TransactionTestCase):
field_type = columns['awesome'][0]
connection.features.introspected_boolean_field_type(new_field, created_separately=True)
def test_add_field_default_transform(self):
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