Kaydet (Commit) 135a58f9 authored tarafından Tim Graham's avatar Tim Graham

Fixed a non-deterministic test; refs #23099.

üst 4926c0af
......@@ -182,12 +182,12 @@ class DistanceTest(TestCase):
# Testing with spheroid distances first.
hillsdale = AustraliaCity.objects.get(name='Hillsdale')
qs = AustraliaCity.objects.exclude(id=hillsdale.id).distance(hillsdale.point, spheroid=True)
qs = AustraliaCity.objects.exclude(id=hillsdale.id).distance(hillsdale.point, spheroid=True).order_by('id')
for i, c in enumerate(qs):
self.assertAlmostEqual(spheroid_distances[i], c.distance.m, tol)
if postgis:
# PostGIS uses sphere-only distances by default, testing these as well.
qs = AustraliaCity.objects.exclude(id=hillsdale.id).distance(hillsdale.point)
qs = AustraliaCity.objects.exclude(id=hillsdale.id).distance(hillsdale.point).order_by('id')
for i, c in enumerate(qs):
self.assertAlmostEqual(sphere_distances[i], c.distance.m, tol)
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