Kaydet (Commit) 1c5f4e86 authored tarafından Simon Charette's avatar Simon Charette

Fixed #25745 -- Promoted RuntimeWarnings to errors in the test suite.

üst d95b22bd
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
import warnings
from unittest import skipUnless
from django.apps import AppConfig, apps
......@@ -232,14 +231,13 @@ class AppsTests(SimpleTestCase):
body = {}
body['Meta'] = type(str("Meta"), tuple(), meta_contents)
body['__module__'] = TotallyNormal.__module__
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
msg = (
"Model 'apps.southponies' was already registered. "
"Reloading models is not advised as it can lead to inconsistencies, "
"most notably with related models."
with self.assertRaisesMessage(RuntimeWarning, msg):
type(str("SouthPonies"), (models.Model,), body)
self.assertEqual(len(w), 1)
self.assertTrue(issubclass(w[-1].category, RuntimeWarning))
"Model 'apps.southponies' was already registered. "
"Reloading models is not advised as it can lead to inconsistencies, "
"most notably with related models.")
# If it doesn't appear to be a reloaded module then we expect
# a RuntimeError.
......@@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ class PostgreSQLTests(TestCase):
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
with mock.patch('django.db.backends.base.base.BaseDatabaseWrapper.connect',
side_effect=mocked_connect, autospec=True):
warnings.simplefilter('always', RuntimeWarning)
nodb_conn = connection._nodb_connection
self.assertEqual(nodb_conn.settings_dict['NAME'], connection.settings_dict['NAME'])
......@@ -197,6 +197,7 @@ class GraphTests(SimpleTestCase):
leaf = expected[-1]
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
warnings.simplefilter('always', RuntimeWarning)
forwards_plan = graph.forwards_plan(leaf)
self.assertEqual(len(w), 1)
......@@ -205,6 +206,7 @@ class GraphTests(SimpleTestCase):
self.assertEqual(expected, forwards_plan)
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
warnings.simplefilter('always', RuntimeWarning)
backwards_plan = graph.backwards_plan(root)
self.assertEqual(len(w), 1)
......@@ -3,13 +3,11 @@ import os
import pickle
import subprocess
import sys
import warnings
from django.core.files.temp import NamedTemporaryFile
from django.db import DJANGO_VERSION_PICKLE_KEY, models
from django.test import TestCase, mock
from django.utils._os import npath, upath
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
from django.utils.version import get_version
from .models import Article
......@@ -31,11 +29,9 @@ class ModelPickleTestCase(TestCase):
return reduce_list
p = MissingDjangoVersion(title="FooBar")
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as recorded:
msg = "Pickled model instance's Django version is not specified."
with self.assertRaisesMessage(RuntimeWarning, msg):
msg = force_text(recorded.pop().message)
"Pickled model instance's Django version is not specified.")
def test_unsupported_unpickle(self):
......@@ -52,14 +48,9 @@ class ModelPickleTestCase(TestCase):
return reduce_list
p = DifferentDjangoVersion(title="FooBar")
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as recorded:
msg = "Pickled model instance's Django version 1.0 does not match the current version %s." % get_version()
with self.assertRaisesMessage(RuntimeWarning, msg):
msg = force_text(recorded.pop().message)
"Pickled model instance's Django version 1.0 does not "
"match the current version %s." % get_version()
def test_unpickling_when_appregistrynotready(self):
......@@ -3,12 +3,10 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
import datetime
import pickle
import unittest
import warnings
from django.db import models
from django.test import TestCase
from django.utils import six
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
from django.utils.version import get_version
from .models import Container, Event, Group, Happening, M2MModel
......@@ -142,11 +140,9 @@ class PickleabilityTestCase(TestCase):
unpickled without a Django version
qs = Group.missing_django_version_objects.all()
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as recorded:
msg = "Pickled queryset instance's Django version is not specified."
with self.assertRaisesMessage(RuntimeWarning, msg):
msg = force_text(recorded.pop().message)
"Pickled queryset instance's Django version is not specified.")
def test_unsupported_unpickle(self):
......@@ -154,11 +150,6 @@ class PickleabilityTestCase(TestCase):
unpickled with a different Django version than the current
qs = Group.previous_django_version_objects.all()
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as recorded:
msg = "Pickled queryset instance's Django version 1.0 does not match the current version %s." % get_version()
with self.assertRaisesMessage(RuntimeWarning, msg):
msg = force_text(recorded.pop().message)
"Pickled queryset instance's Django version 1.0 does not "
"match the current version %s." % get_version()
......@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ from django.utils.log import DEFAULT_LOGGING
# Make deprecation warnings errors to ensure no usage of deprecated features.
warnings.simplefilter("error", RemovedInDjango20Warning)
# Make runtime warning errors to ensure no usage of error prone patterns.
warnings.simplefilter("error", RuntimeWarning)
# Ignore known warnings in test dependencies.
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "'U' mode is deprecated", DeprecationWarning, module='docutils.io')
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