Kaydet (Commit) 2027d6ac authored tarafından Halil Kaya's avatar Halil Kaya Kaydeden (comit) Tim Graham

Fixed #26954 -- Prevented ModelAdmin.has_module_permission()=False from blocking…

Fixed #26954 -- Prevented ModelAdmin.has_module_permission()=False from blocking access to the app index page.
üst 74a575eb
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from django.apps import apps
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.admin import ModelAdmin, actions
from django.contrib.auth import REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured, PermissionDenied
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from django.db.models.base import ModelBase
from django.http import Http404, HttpResponseRedirect
from django.template.response import TemplateResponse
......@@ -399,8 +399,6 @@ class AdminSite(object):
has_module_perms = model_admin.has_module_permission(request)
if not has_module_perms:
if label:
raise PermissionDenied
perms = model_admin.get_model_perms(request)
......@@ -1019,3 +1019,4 @@ site2.register(Person, save_as_continue=False)
site7 = admin.AdminSite(name="admin7")
site7.register(Article, ArticleAdmin2)
......@@ -1926,10 +1926,9 @@ class AdminViewPermissionsTest(TestCase):
response = self.client.get(reverse('secure_view'), follow=True)
self.assertContains(response, 'id="login-form"')
def test_app_index_fail_early(self):
def test_app_list_permissions(self):
If a user has no module perms, avoid iterating over all the modeladmins
in the registry.
If a user has no module perms, the app list returns a 404.
opts = Article._meta
change_user = User.objects.get(username='changeuser')
......@@ -1937,10 +1936,10 @@ class AdminViewPermissionsTest(TestCase):
# the user has no module permissions, because this module doesn't exist
# the user has no module permissions
response = self.client.get(reverse('admin:app_list', args=('admin_views',)))
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 403)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404)
# the user now has module permissions
......@@ -2002,30 +2001,38 @@ class AdminViewPermissionsTest(TestCase):
In this case, it always returns False, so the module should not be
displayed on the admin index page for any users.
articles = Article._meta.verbose_name_plural.title()
sections = Section._meta.verbose_name_plural.title()
index_url = reverse('admin7:index')
response = self.client.get(index_url)
self.assertNotContains(response, 'admin_views')
self.assertNotContains(response, 'Articles')
self.assertContains(response, sections)
self.assertNotContains(response, articles)
response = self.client.get(index_url)
self.assertNotContains(response, 'admin_views')
self.assertNotContains(response, 'Articles')
self.assertNotContains(response, articles)
response = self.client.get(index_url)
self.assertNotContains(response, 'admin_views')
self.assertNotContains(response, 'Articles')
self.assertNotContains(response, articles)
response = self.client.get(index_url)
self.assertNotContains(response, 'admin_views')
self.assertNotContains(response, 'Articles')
self.assertNotContains(response, articles)
# The app list displays Sections but not Articles as the latter has
# ModelAdmin.has_module_permission() = False.
response = self.client.get(reverse('admin7:app_list', args=('admin_views',)))
self.assertContains(response, sections)
self.assertNotContains(response, articles)
def test_post_save_message_no_forbidden_links_visible(self):
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