Kaydet (Commit) 2f3a4cd5 authored tarafından Loic Bistuer's avatar Loic Bistuer

Removed numbering from the models.py header of some test packages.

This is a reliqua from the early days of the modeltests/regressiontests era.
üst d128eac3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
1. Bare-bones model
Bare-bones model
This is a basic model with only two non-primary-key fields.
21. Specifying 'choices' for a field
Specifying 'choices' for a field
Most fields take a ``choices`` parameter, which should be a tuple of tuples
specifying which are the valid values for that field.
17. Custom column/table names
Custom column/table names
If your database column name is different than your model attribute, use the
``db_column`` parameter. Note that you'll use the field's name, not its column
23. Giving models a custom manager
Giving models a custom manager
You can use a custom ``Manager`` in a particular model by extending the base
``Manager`` class and instantiating your custom ``Manager`` in your model.
3. Giving models custom methods
Giving models custom methods
Any method you add to a model will be available to instances.
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14. Using a custom primary key
Using a custom primary key
By default, Django adds an ``"id"`` field to each model. But you can override
this behavior by explicitly adding ``primary_key=True`` to a field.
40. Empty model tests
Empty model tests
These test that things behave sensibly for the rare corner-case of a model with
no fields.
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32. Callable defaults
Callable defaults
You can pass callable objects as the ``default`` parameter to a field. When
the object is created without an explicit value passed in, Django will call
42. Storing files according to a custom storage system
Storing files according to a custom storage system
``FileField`` and its variations can take a ``storage`` argument to specify how
and where files should be stored.
37. Fixtures.
Fixtures are a way of loading data into the database in bulk. Fixure data
can be stored in any serializable format (including JSON and XML). Fixtures
34. Generic relations
Generic relations
Generic relations let an object have a foreign key to any object through a
content-type/object-id field. A ``GenericForeignKey`` field can point to any
35. DB-API Shortcuts
DB-API Shortcuts
``get_object_or_404()`` is a shortcut function to be used in view functions for
performing a ``get()`` lookup and raising a ``Http404`` exception if a
7. The lookup API
The lookup API
This demonstrates features of the database API.
29. Many-to-many and many-to-one relationships to the same table
Many-to-many and many-to-one relationships to the same table
Make sure to set ``related_name`` if you use relationships to the same table.
9. Many-to-many relationships via an intermediary table
Many-to-many relationships via an intermediary table
For many-to-many relationships that need extra fields on the intermediary
table, use an intermediary model.
20. Multiple many-to-many relationships between the same two tables
Multiple many-to-many relationships between the same two tables
In this example, an ``Article`` can have many "primary" ``Category`` objects
and many "secondary" ``Category`` objects.
28. Many-to-many relationships between the same two tables
Many-to-many relationships between the same two tables
In this example, a ``Person`` can have many friends, who are also ``Person``
objects. Friendship is a symmetrical relationship - if I am your friend, you
11. Relating an object to itself, many-to-one
Relating an object to itself, many-to-one
To define a many-to-one relationship between a model and itself, use
5. Many-to-many relationships
Many-to-many relationships
To define a many-to-many relationship, use ``ManyToManyField()``.
4. Many-to-one relationships
Many-to-one relationships
To define a many-to-one relationship, use ``ForeignKey()``.
16. Many-to-one relationships that can be null
Many-to-one relationships that can be null
To define a many-to-one relationship that can have a null foreign key, use
``ForeignKey()`` with ``null=True`` .
24. Mutually referential many-to-one relationships
Mutually referential many-to-one relationships
Strings can be used instead of model literals to set up "lazy" relations.
10. One-to-one relationships
One-to-one relationships
To define a one-to-one relationship, use ``OneToOneField()``.
19. OR lookups
OR lookups
To perform an OR lookup, or a lookup that combines ANDs and ORs, combine
``QuerySet`` objects using ``&`` and ``|`` operators.
6. Specifying ordering
Specifying ordering
Specify default ordering for a model using the ``ordering`` attribute, which
should be a list or tuple of field names. This tells Django how to order
22. Using properties on models
Using properties on models
Use properties on models just like on any other Python object.
18. Using SQL reserved names
Using SQL reserved names
Need to use a reserved SQL name as a column name or table name? Need to include
a hyphen in a column or table name? No problem. Django quotes names
25. Reverse lookups
Reverse lookups
This demonstrates the reverse lookup features of the database API.
13. Adding hooks before/after saving and deleting
Adding hooks before/after saving and deleting
To execute arbitrary code around ``save()`` and ``delete()``, just subclass
the methods.
41. Tests for select_related()
Tests for select_related()
``select_related()`` follows all relationships and pre-caches any foreign key
values so that complex trees can be fetched in a single query. However, this
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
42. Serialization
``django.core.serializers`` provides interfaces to converting Django
``QuerySet`` objects to and from "flat" data (i.e. strings).
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2. Adding __str__() or __unicode__() to models
Adding __str__() or __unicode__() to models
Although it's not a strict requirement, each model should have a
``_str__()`` or ``__unicode__()`` method to return a "human-readable"
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
39. Testing using the Test Client
Testing using the Test Client
The test client is a class that can act like a simple
browser for testing purposes.
15. Transactions
Django handles transactions in three different ways. The default is to commit
each transaction upon a write, but you can decorate a function to get
38. User-registered management commands
User-registered management commands
The ``manage.py`` utility provides a number of useful commands for managing a
Django project. If you want to add a utility command of your own, you can.
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