Kaydet (Commit) 3a10bcc9 authored tarafından Alex Gaynor's avatar Alex Gaynor

Document ``six.assertRaisesRegex``.

üst 5999eb42
......@@ -400,5 +400,12 @@ The version of six bundled with Django includes one extra function:
2 and :meth:`~django.utils.datastructures.MultiValueDict.lists()` on
Python 3.
.. function:: assertRaisesRegex(testcase, *args, **kwargs)
This replaces ``testcase.assertRaisesRegexp`` on Python 2, and
``testcase.assertRaisesRegex`` on Python 3. ``assertRaisesRegexp`` still
exists in current Python3 versions, but issues a warning.
In addition to six' defaults moves, Django's version provides ``thread`` as
``_thread`` and ``dummy_thread`` as ``_dummy_thread``.
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