Kaydet (Commit) 3ded2aef authored tarafından Carl Meyer's avatar Carl Meyer

Remove leading underscore from a function that's all growed up now.

This function is now the de facto standard function for rendering values in a
template, and is imported by two other built-in template modules. It shouldn't
have a leading underscore.
üst 8f839aaa
......@@ -861,7 +861,7 @@ class TextNode(Node):
def render(self, context):
return self.s
def _render_value_in_context(value, context):
def render_value_in_context(value, context):
Converts any value to a string to become part of a rendered template. This
means escaping, if required, and conversion to a unicode object. If value
......@@ -891,7 +891,7 @@ class VariableNode(Node):
# control (e.g. exception rendering). In that case, we fail
# quietly.
return ''
return _render_value_in_context(output, context)
return render_value_in_context(output, context)
# Regex for token keyword arguments
kwarg_re = re.compile(r"(?:(\w+)=)?(.+)")
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ from django.template.base import (Node, NodeList, Template, Context, Library,
VARIABLE_ATTRIBUTE_SEPARATOR, get_library, token_kwargs, kwarg_re,
from django.template.smartif import IfParser, Literal
from django.template.defaultfilters import date
from django.utils.encoding import smart_text
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class CycleNode(Node):
return ''
if not self.escape:
value = mark_safe(value)
return _render_value_in_context(value, context)
return render_value_in_context(value, context)
class DebugNode(Node):
def render(self, context):
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ class FirstOfNode(Node):
if value:
if not self.escape:
value = mark_safe(value)
return _render_value_in_context(value, context)
return render_value_in_context(value, context)
return ''
class ForNode(Node):
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import re
from django.template import (Node, Variable, TemplateSyntaxError,
TokenParser, Library, TOKEN_TEXT, TOKEN_VAR)
from django.template.base import _render_value_in_context
from django.template.base import render_value_in_context
from django.template.defaulttags import token_kwargs
from django.utils import six
from django.utils import translation
......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class TranslateNode(Node):
self.filter_expression.var.message_context = (
output = self.filter_expression.resolve(context)
value = _render_value_in_context(output, context)
value = render_value_in_context(output, context)
if self.asvar:
context[self.asvar] = value
return ''
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ class BlockTranslateNode(Node):
result = translation.pgettext(message_context, singular)
result = translation.ugettext(singular)
data = dict([(v, _render_value_in_context(context.get(v, ''), context)) for v in vars])
data = dict([(v, render_value_in_context(context.get(v, ''), context)) for v in vars])
result = result % data
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