Kaydet (Commit) 5778b570 authored tarafından Tim Martin's avatar Tim Martin Kaydeden (comit) Tim Graham

Fixed #28731 -- Added an error message when using an empty Q() in a When expression.

Otherwise it generates invalid SQL.
üst 6deaddcc
......@@ -818,6 +818,8 @@ class When(Expression):
condition, lookups = Q(**lookups), None
if condition is None or not getattr(condition, 'conditional', False) or lookups:
raise TypeError("__init__() takes either a Q object or lookups as keyword arguments")
if isinstance(condition, Q) and not condition:
raise ValueError("An empty Q() can't be used as a When() condition.")
self.condition = condition
self.result = self._parse_expressions(then)[0]
......@@ -1301,3 +1301,8 @@ class CaseWhenTests(SimpleTestCase):
with self.assertRaisesMessage(TypeError, msg):
def test_empty_q_object(self):
msg = "An empty Q() can't be used as a When() condition."
with self.assertRaisesMessage(ValueError, msg):
When(Q(), then=Value(True))
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