Kaydet (Commit) 65129aac authored tarafından Claude Paroz's avatar Claude Paroz

Fixed #23757 -- Added 3D introspection support to Spatialite backend

Thanks Tim Graham for the review.
üst b4a56ed4
......@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ class BaseSpatialFeatures(object):
# Does the backend introspect GeometryField to its subtypes?
supports_geometry_field_introspection = True
# Does the backend support storing 3D geometries?
supports_3d_storage = False
# Reference implementation of 3D functions is:
# http://postgis.net/docs/PostGIS_Special_Functions_Index.html#PostGIS_3D_Functions
supports_3d_functions = False
......@@ -4,5 +4,6 @@ from django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2.features import \
class DatabaseFeatures(BaseSpatialFeatures, Psycopg2DatabaseFeatures):
supports_3d_storage = True
supports_3d_functions = True
supports_left_right_lookups = True
from django.contrib.gis.db.backends.base.features import BaseSpatialFeatures
from django.contrib.gis.geos import geos_version
from django.db.backends.sqlite3.features import \
DatabaseFeatures as SQLiteDatabaseFeatures
from django.utils.functional import cached_property
......@@ -15,3 +16,7 @@ class DatabaseFeatures(BaseSpatialFeatures, SQLiteDatabaseFeatures):
# which can result in a significant performance improvement when
# creating the database.
return self.connection.ops.spatial_version >= (4, 1, 0)
def supports_3d_storage(self):
return geos_version() >= '3.3'
......@@ -41,7 +41,13 @@ class SpatiaLiteIntrospection(DatabaseIntrospection):
# OGRGeomType does not require GDAL and makes it easy to convert
# from OGC geom type name to Django field.
field_type = OGRGeomType(row[2]).django
ogr_type = row[2]
if isinstance(ogr_type, six.integer_types) and ogr_type > 1000:
# Spatialite versions >= 4 use the new SFSQL 1.2 offsets
# 1000 (Z), 2000 (M), and 3000 (ZM) to indicate the presence of
# higher dimensional coordinates (M not yet supported by Django).
ogr_type = ogr_type % 1000 + OGRGeomType.wkb25bit
field_type = OGRGeomType(ogr_type).django
# Getting any GeometryField keyword arguments that are not the default.
dim = row[0]
......@@ -49,7 +55,7 @@ class SpatiaLiteIntrospection(DatabaseIntrospection):
field_params = {}
if srid != 4326:
field_params['srid'] = srid
if isinstance(dim, six.string_types) and 'Z' in dim:
if (isinstance(dim, six.string_types) and 'Z' in dim) or dim == 3:
field_params['dim'] = 3
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ bbox_data = (
@skipUnless(HAS_GDAL, "GDAL is required for Geo3DTest.")
@skipUnlessDBFeature("gis_enabled", "supports_3d_functions")
@skipUnlessDBFeature("gis_enabled", "supports_3d_storage")
class Geo3DTest(TestCase):
Only a subset of the PostGIS routines are 3D-enabled, and this TestCase
......@@ -189,6 +189,7 @@ class Geo3DTest(TestCase):
ref_json_regex = re.compile(r'^{"type":"Point","coordinates":\[-95.363151,29.763374,18(\.0+)?\]}$')
def test_union(self):
Testing the Union aggregate of 3D models.
......@@ -207,6 +208,7 @@ class Geo3DTest(TestCase):
# Ordering of points in the resulting geometry may vary between implementations
self.assertSetEqual({p.ewkt for p in ref_union}, {p.ewkt for p in union})
def test_extent(self):
......@@ -227,6 +229,7 @@ class Geo3DTest(TestCase):
def test_perimeter(self):
Testing GeoQuerySet.perimeter() on 3D fields.
......@@ -244,6 +247,7 @@ class Geo3DTest(TestCase):
Polygon3D.objects.perimeter().get(name='3D BBox').perimeter.m,
def test_length(self):
Testing GeoQuerySet.length() on 3D fields.
......@@ -276,6 +280,7 @@ class Geo3DTest(TestCase):
def test_scale(self):
Testing GeoQuerySet.scale() on Z values.
......@@ -287,6 +292,7 @@ class Geo3DTest(TestCase):
for city in City3D.objects.scale(1.0, 1.0, zscale):
self.assertEqual(city_dict[city.name][2] * zscale, city.scale.z)
def test_translate(self):
Testing GeoQuerySet.translate() on Z values.
......@@ -14,3 +14,11 @@ class AllOGRFields(models.Model):
point = models.PointField()
objects = models.GeoManager()
class Fields3D(models.Model):
point = models.PointField(dim=3)
line = models.LineStringField(dim=3)
poly = models.PolygonField(dim=3)
objects = models.GeoManager()
......@@ -27,9 +27,11 @@ class InspectDbTests(TestCase):
Test the geo-enabled inspectdb command.
out = StringIO()
table_name_filter=lambda tn: tn.startswith('inspectapp_'),
table_name_filter=lambda tn: tn == 'inspectapp_allogrfields',
output = out.getvalue()
if connection.features.supports_geometry_field_introspection:
self.assertIn('geom = models.PolygonField()', output)
......@@ -39,6 +41,25 @@ class InspectDbTests(TestCase):
self.assertIn('point = models.GeometryField(', output)
self.assertIn('objects = models.GeoManager()', output)
def test_3d_columns(self):
out = StringIO()
table_name_filter=lambda tn: tn == 'inspectapp_fields3d',
output = out.getvalue()
if connection.features.supports_geometry_field_introspection:
self.assertIn('point = models.PointField(dim=3)', output)
self.assertIn('line = models.LineStringField(dim=3)', output)
self.assertIn('poly = models.PolygonField(dim=3)', output)
self.assertIn('point = models.GeometryField(', output)
self.assertIn('line = models.GeometryField(', output)
self.assertIn('poly = models.GeometryField(', output)
self.assertIn('objects = models.GeoManager()', output)
@skipUnless(HAS_GDAL, "OGRInspectTest needs GDAL support")
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