Kaydet (Commit) 72512828 authored tarafından John Paulett's avatar John Paulett Kaydeden (comit) Claude Paroz

Fixed #17207 -- Added a troubleshooting note about failing createdb

üst 89544b2b
......@@ -757,6 +757,21 @@ Similarly, on Red Hat and CentOS systems::
$ sudo yum install binutils
PostgreSQL's createdb fails
When the PostgreSQL cluster uses a non-UTF8 encoding, the
:file:`create_template_postgis-*.sh` script will fail when executing
createdb: database creation failed: ERROR: new encoding (UTF8) is incompatible
with the encoding of the template database (SQL_ASCII)
The `current workaround`__ is to re-create the cluster using UTF8 (back up any
databases before dropping the cluster).
__ http://jacobian.org/writing/pg-encoding-ubuntu/
Platform-specific instructions
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