Kaydet (Commit) 733c7c70 authored tarafından Tim Graham's avatar Tim Graham

Refs #24716 -- Removed Field._get_val_from_obj() per deprecation timeline.

üst ad393bee
......@@ -27,9 +27,7 @@ from django.utils.datastructures import DictWrapper
from django.utils.dateparse import (
parse_date, parse_datetime, parse_duration, parse_time,
from django.utils.deprecation import (
RemovedInDjango20Warning, warn_about_renamed_method,
from django.utils.deprecation import RemovedInDjango20Warning
from django.utils.duration import duration_string
from django.utils.encoding import (
force_bytes, force_text, python_2_unicode_compatible, smart_text,
......@@ -810,16 +808,6 @@ class Field(RegisterLookupMixin):
return first_choice + lst
'Field', '_get_val_from_obj', 'value_from_object',
def _get_val_from_obj(self, obj):
if obj is not None:
return getattr(obj, self.attname)
return self.get_default()
def value_to_string(self, obj):
Returns a string value of this field from the passed obj.
......@@ -299,3 +299,5 @@ these features.
* Support for setting a URL instance namespace without an application namespace
is removed.
* ``Field._get_val_from_obj()`` is removed.
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