Kaydet (Commit) 75c87e2d authored tarafından Tim Heap's avatar Tim Heap Kaydeden (comit) Tim Graham

Fixed #20850 -- Added MultiWidget.needs_multipart_form

üst 6d88d47b
......@@ -840,6 +840,11 @@ class MultiWidget(Widget):
obj.widgets = copy.deepcopy(self.widgets)
return obj
def needs_multipart_form(self):
return any(w.needs_multipart_form for w in self.widgets)
class SplitDateTimeWidget(MultiWidget):
A Widget that splits datetime input into two <input type="text"> boxes.
......@@ -849,6 +849,14 @@ beatle J R Ringo False""")
w = MyMultiWidget(widgets=(TextInput(attrs={'class': 'big'}), TextInput(attrs={'class': 'small'})), attrs={'id': 'bar'})
self.assertHTMLEqual(w.render('name', ['john', 'lennon']), '<input id="bar_0" type="text" class="big" value="john" name="name_0" /><br /><input id="bar_1" type="text" class="small" value="lennon" name="name_1" />')
# Test needs_multipart_form=True if any widget needs it
w = MyMultiWidget(widgets=(TextInput(), FileInput()))
# Test needs_multipart_form=False if no widget needs it
w = MyMultiWidget(widgets=(TextInput(), TextInput()))
def test_splitdatetime(self):
w = SplitDateTimeWidget()
self.assertHTMLEqual(w.render('date', ''), '<input type="text" name="date_0" /><input type="text" name="date_1" />')
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