Kaydet (Commit) 7e3834ad authored tarafından Carl Meyer's avatar Carl Meyer

Fixed #22412 -- More nuanced advice re template filters and exceptions.

Thanks Tim for review.
üst 59b1d309
......@@ -88,9 +88,11 @@ Custom filters are just Python functions that take one or two arguments:
For example, in the filter ``{{ var|foo:"bar" }}``, the filter ``foo`` would be
passed the variable ``var`` and the argument ``"bar"``.
Filter functions should always return something. They shouldn't raise
exceptions. They should fail silently. In case of error, they should return
either the original input or an empty string -- whichever makes more sense.
Usually any exception raised from a template filter will be exposed as a server
error. Thus, filter functions should avoid raising exceptions if there is a
reasonable fallback value to return. In case of input that represents a clear
bug in a template, raising an exception may still be better than silent failure
which hides the bug.
Here's an example filter definition:
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