Kaydet (Commit) 7e7a370e authored tarafından Malcolm Tredinnick's avatar Malcolm Tredinnick

Fixed #9319 -- Fixed a crash when using the same model field in multiple

unique_together constraints.

git-svn-id: http://code.djangoproject.com/svn/django/trunk@9208 bcc190cf-cafb-0310-a4f2-bffc1f526a37
üst 559aca7d
......@@ -15,6 +15,11 @@ from widgets import Select, SelectMultiple, HiddenInput, MultipleHiddenInput
from widgets import media_property
from formsets import BaseFormSet, formset_factory, DELETION_FIELD_NAME
except NameError:
from sets import Set as set # Python 2.3 fallback
__all__ = (
'ModelForm', 'BaseModelForm', 'model_to_dict', 'fields_for_model',
'save_instance', 'form_for_fields', 'ModelChoiceField',
......@@ -219,9 +224,9 @@ class BaseModelForm(BaseForm):
fields_on_form = [field for field in check if field in self.fields]
if len(fields_on_form) == len(check):
form_errors = []
# Gather a list of checks for fields declared as unique and add them to
# the list of checks. Again, skip fields not on the form.
for name, field in self.fields.items():
......@@ -235,30 +240,31 @@ class BaseModelForm(BaseForm):
is_null_pk = f.primary_key and self.cleaned_data[name] is None
if name in self.cleaned_data and f.unique and not is_null_pk:
# Don't run unique checks on fields that already have an error.
unique_checks = [check for check in unique_checks if not [x in self._errors for x in check if x in self._errors]]
bad_fields = set()
for unique_check in unique_checks:
# Try to look up an existing object with the same values as this
# object's values for all the unique field.
lookup_kwargs = {}
for field_name in unique_check:
lookup_kwargs[field_name] = self.cleaned_data[field_name]
qs = self.instance.__class__._default_manager.filter(**lookup_kwargs)
# Exclude the current object from the query if we are editing an
# Exclude the current object from the query if we are editing an
# instance (as opposed to creating a new one)
if self.instance.pk is not None:
qs = qs.exclude(pk=self.instance.pk)
# This cute trick with extra/values is the most efficient way to
# tell if a particular query returns any results.
if qs.extra(select={'a': 1}).values('a').order_by():
model_name = capfirst(self.instance._meta.verbose_name)
# A unique field
if len(unique_check) == 1:
field_name = unique_check[0]
......@@ -278,13 +284,17 @@ class BaseModelForm(BaseForm):
{'model_name': unicode(model_name),
'field_label': unicode(field_labels)}
# Remove the data from the cleaned_data dict since it was invalid
# Mark these fields as needing to be removed from cleaned data
# later.
for field_name in unique_check:
del self.cleaned_data[field_name]
for field_name in bad_fields:
del self.cleaned_data[field_name]
if form_errors:
# Raise the unique together errors since they are considered form-wide.
# Raise the unique together errors since they are considered
# form-wide.
raise ValidationError(form_errors)
def save(self, commit=True):
......@@ -471,7 +481,7 @@ class BaseInlineFormSet(BaseModelFormSet):
kwargs = {self.fk.get_attname(): self.instance.pk}
new_obj = self.model(**kwargs)
return save_instance(form, new_obj, exclude=[self._pk_field.name], commit=commit)
def add_fields(self, form, index):
super(BaseInlineFormSet, self).add_fields(form, index)
if self._pk_field == self.fk:
from django.db import models
from django import forms
class Triple(models.Model):
left = models.IntegerField()
middle = models.IntegerField()
right = models.IntegerField()
def __unicode__(self):
return u"%d, %d, %d" % (self.left, self.middle, self.right)
class Meta:
unique_together = (('left', 'middle'), ('middle', 'right'))
__test__ = {'API_TESTS': """
When the same field is involved in multiple unique_together constraints, we
need to make sure we don't remove the data for it before doing all the
validation checking (not just failing after the first one).
>>> _ = Triple.objects.create(left=1, middle=2, right=3)
>>> class TripleForm(forms.ModelForm):
... class Meta:
... model = Triple
>>> form = TripleForm({'left': '1', 'middle': '2', 'right': '3'})
>>> form.is_valid()
>>> form = TripleForm({'left': '1', 'middle': '3', 'right': '1'})
>>> form.is_valid()
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