<pclass="help">To install bookmarklets, drag the link to your bookmarks
toolbar, or right-click the link and add it to your bookmarks. Now you can
select the bookmarklet from any page in the site.</p>
{% endblocktrans %}
<pclass="help">{% blocktrans trimmed %}
To install bookmarklets, drag the link to your bookmarks toolbar, or right-click
the link and add it to your bookmarks. Now you can select the bookmarklet
from any page in the site.
{% endblocktrans %}</p>
<h3><ahref="javascript:(function(){if(typeof ActiveXObject!='undefined'){x=new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP')}else if(typeof XMLHttpRequest!='undefined'){x=new XMLHttpRequest()}else{return;}x.open('HEAD',location.href,false);x.send(null);try{view=x.getResponseHeader('x-view');}catch(e){alert('No view found for this page');return;}if(view=='undefined'){alert('No view found for this page');}document.location='{% url 'django-admindocs-views-index' %}'+view+'/';})()">{% trans "Documentation for this page" %}</a></h3>