Kaydet (Commit) 8414fcf1 authored tarafından Tomáš Ehrlich's avatar Tomáš Ehrlich Kaydeden (comit) Tim Graham

Fixes #23643 -- Added chained exception details to debug view.

üst ae87ad00
......@@ -479,8 +479,29 @@ class ExceptionReporter(object):
return lower_bound, pre_context, context_line, post_context
def get_traceback_frames(self):
def explicit_or_implicit_cause(exc_value):
explicit = getattr(exc_value, '__cause__', None)
implicit = getattr(exc_value, '__context__', None)
return explicit or implicit
# Get the exception and all its causes
exceptions = []
exc_value = self.exc_value
while exc_value:
exc_value = explicit_or_implicit_cause(exc_value)
frames = []
tb = self.tb
# No exceptions were supplied to ExceptionReporter
if not exceptions:
return frames
# In case there's just one exception (always in Python 2,
# sometimes in Python 3), take the traceback from self.tb (Python 2
# doesn't have a __traceback__ attribute on Exception)
exc_value = exceptions.pop()
tb = self.tb if not exceptions else exc_value.__traceback__
while tb is not None:
# Support for __traceback_hide__ which is used by a few libraries
# to hide internal frames.
......@@ -497,6 +518,8 @@ class ExceptionReporter(object):
if pre_context_lineno is not None:
'exc_cause': explicit_or_implicit_cause(exc_value),
'exc_cause_explicit': getattr(exc_value, '__cause__', True),
'tb': tb,
'type': 'django' if module_name.startswith('django.') else 'user',
'filename': filename,
......@@ -509,7 +532,14 @@ class ExceptionReporter(object):
'post_context': post_context,
'pre_context_lineno': pre_context_lineno + 1,
tb = tb.tb_next
# If the traceback for current exception is consumed, try the
# other exception.
if not tb.tb_next and exceptions:
exc_value = exceptions.pop()
tb = exc_value.__traceback__
tb = tb.tb_next
return frames
......@@ -838,6 +868,15 @@ TECHNICAL_500_TEMPLATE = ("""
<div id="browserTraceback">
<ul class="traceback">
{% for frame in frames %}
{% ifchanged frame.exc_cause %}{% if frame.exc_cause %}
{% if frame.exc_cause_explicit %}
The above exception ({{ frame.exc_cause }}) was the direct cause of the following exception:
{% else %}
During handling of the above exception ({{ frame.exc_cause }}), another exception occurred:
{% endif %}
{% endif %}{% endifchanged %}
<li class="frame {{ frame.type }}">
<code>{{ frame.filename|escape }}</code> in <code>{{ frame.function|escape }}</code>
......@@ -1123,7 +1162,17 @@ In template {{ template_info.name }}, error at line {{ template_info.line }}
{{ source_line.0 }} : {{ source_line.1 }}
{% endifequal %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% if frames %}
{% for frame in frames %}File "{{ frame.filename }}" in {{ frame.function }}
{% for frame in frames %}
{% ifchanged frame.exc_cause %}
{% if frame.exc_cause %}
{% if frame.exc_cause_explicit %}
The above exception ({{ frame.exc_cause }}) was the direct cause of the following exception:
{% else %}
During handling of the above exception ({{ frame.exc_cause }}), another exception occurred:
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endifchanged %}
File "{{ frame.filename }}" in {{ frame.function }}
{% if frame.context_line %} {{ frame.lineno }}. {{ frame.context_line }}{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if exception_type %}Exception Type: {{ exception_type }}{% if request %} at {{ request.path_info }}{% endif %}
......@@ -172,6 +172,8 @@ Requests and Responses
``status_code`` outside of the constructor will also modify the value of
* The debug view now shows details of chained exceptions on Python 3.
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ doc_files = docs extras AUTHORS INSTALL LICENSE README.rst
install-script = scripts/rpm-install.sh
exclude = build,.git,./django/utils/lru_cache.py,./django/utils/six.py,./django/conf/app_template/*,./django/dispatch/weakref_backports.py,./tests/.env,./xmlrunner
exclude = build,.git,./django/utils/lru_cache.py,./django/utils/six.py,./django/conf/app_template/*,./django/dispatch/weakref_backports.py,./tests/.env,./xmlrunner,tests/view_tests/tests/py3_test_debug.py
ignore = E123,E128,E402,E501,W503,E731,W601
max-line-length = 119
Since this file contains Python 3 specific syntax, it's named without a test_
prefix so the test runner won't try to import it. Instead, the test class is
imported in test_debug.py, but only on Python 3.
This filename is also in setup.cfg flake8 exclude since the Python 2 syntax
error (raise ... from ...) can't be silenced using NOQA.
import sys
from django.test import RequestFactory, TestCase
from django.views.debug import ExceptionReporter
class Py3ExceptionReporterTests(TestCase):
rf = RequestFactory()
def test_reporting_of_nested_exceptions(self):
request = self.rf.get('/test_view/')
raise AttributeError('Top level')
except AttributeError as explicit:
raise ValueError('Second exception') from explicit
except ValueError:
raise IndexError('Final exception')
except Exception:
# Custom exception handler, just pass it into ExceptionReporter
exc_type, exc_value, tb = sys.exc_info()
explicit_exc = 'The above exception ({0}) was the direct cause of the following exception:'
implicit_exc = 'During handling of the above exception ({0}), another exception occurred:'
reporter = ExceptionReporter(request, exc_type, exc_value, tb)
html = reporter.get_traceback_html()
self.assertIn(explicit_exc.format("Top level"), html)
self.assertIn(implicit_exc.format("Second exception"), html)
text = reporter.get_traceback_text()
self.assertIn(explicit_exc.format("Top level"), text)
self.assertIn(implicit_exc.format("Second exception"), text)
......@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ from ..views import (
sensitive_kwargs_function_caller, sensitive_method_view, sensitive_view,
if six.PY3:
from .py3_test_debug import Py3ExceptionReporterTests # NOQA
class CallableSettingWrapperTests(TestCase):
""" Unittests for CallableSettingWrapper
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