Kaydet (Commit) 8bdfabed authored tarafından Simon Charette's avatar Simon Charette

Refs #18012 -- Removed special casing for proxy models deletion.

This isn't required anymore now that reverse foreign keys
from proxy models are propagated to their concrete model.
üst 6c9f37ea
from collections import Counter, OrderedDict
from itertools import chain
from operator import attrgetter
from django.db import IntegrityError, connections, transaction
......@@ -53,18 +52,10 @@ def DO_NOTHING(collector, field, sub_objs, using):
def get_candidate_relations_to_delete(opts):
# Collect models that contain candidate relations to delete. This may include
# relations coming from proxy models.
candidate_models = {opts}
candidate_models = candidate_models.union(opts.concrete_model._meta.proxied_children)
# For each model, get all candidate fields.
candidate_model_fields = chain.from_iterable(
opts.get_fields(include_hidden=True) for opts in candidate_models
# The candidate relations are the ones that come from N-1 and 1-1 relations.
# N-N (i.e., many-to-many) relations aren't candidates for deletion.
return (
f for f in candidate_model_fields
f for f in opts.get_fields(include_hidden=True)
if f.auto_created and not f.concrete and (f.one_to_one or f.one_to_many)
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