Kaydet (Commit) 97c1931c authored tarafından Andy Craze's avatar Andy Craze Kaydeden (comit) Tim Graham

Fixed #24423 -- Reorganized i18n tag tests.

üst 93905339
This diff is collapsed.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
from django.conf import settings
from django.test import SimpleTestCase
from django.utils._os import upath
from django.utils.translation import activate, get_language
here = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(upath(__file__))))
pdir = os.path.split(os.path.split(os.path.abspath(here))[0])[0]
extended_locale_paths = settings.LOCALE_PATHS + [
os.path.join(pdir, 'i18n', 'other', 'locale'),
class MultipleLocaleActivationTestCase(SimpleTestCase):
Tests for template rendering when multiple locales are activated during the
lifetime of the same process.
def setUp(self):
self._old_language = get_language()
def tearDown(self):
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from django.test import SimpleTestCase
from django.utils import translation
from ...utils import setup
class I18nFiltersTests(SimpleTestCase):
libraries = {
'custom': 'template_tests.templatetags.custom',
'i18n': 'django.templatetags.i18n',
@setup({'i18n32': '{% load i18n %}{{ "hu"|language_name }} '
'{{ "hu"|language_name_local }} {{ "hu"|language_bidi }} '
'{{ "hu"|language_name_translated }}'})
def test_i18n32(self):
output = self.engine.render_to_string('i18n32')
self.assertEqual(output, 'Hungarian Magyar False Hungarian')
with translation.override('cs'):
output = self.engine.render_to_string('i18n32')
self.assertEqual(output, 'Hungarian Magyar False maďarsky')
@setup({'i18n33': '{% load i18n %}'
'{{ langcode|language_name }} {{ langcode|language_name_local }} '
'{{ langcode|language_bidi }} {{ langcode|language_name_translated }}'})
def test_i18n33(self):
output = self.engine.render_to_string('i18n33', {'langcode': 'nl'})
self.assertEqual(output, 'Dutch Nederlands False Dutch')
with translation.override('cs'):
output = self.engine.render_to_string('i18n33', {'langcode': 'nl'})
self.assertEqual(output, 'Dutch Nederlands False nizozemsky')
@setup({'i18n38_2': '{% load i18n custom %}'
'{% get_language_info_list for langcodes|noop:"x y" as langs %}'
'{% for l in langs %}{{ l.code }}: {{ l.name }}/'
'{{ l.name_local }}/{{ l.name_translated }} '
'bidi={{ l.bidi }}; {% endfor %}'})
def test_i18n38_2(self):
with translation.override('cs'):
output = self.engine.render_to_string('i18n38_2', {'langcodes': ['it', 'fr']})
'it: Italian/italiano/italsky bidi=False; '
'fr: French/français/francouzsky bidi=False; '
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from django.test import SimpleTestCase
from ...utils import setup
class GetAvailableLanguagesTagTests(SimpleTestCase):
libraries = {'i18n': 'django.templatetags.i18n'}
@setup({'i18n12': '{% load i18n %}'
'{% get_available_languages as langs %}{% for lang in langs %}'
'{% if lang.0 == "de" %}{{ lang.0 }}{% endif %}{% endfor %}'})
def test_i18n12(self):
output = self.engine.render_to_string('i18n12')
self.assertEqual(output, 'de')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from django.test import SimpleTestCase
from django.utils import translation
from ...utils import setup
class I18nGetLanguageInfoTagTests(SimpleTestCase):
libraries = {
'custom': 'template_tests.templatetags.custom',
'i18n': 'django.templatetags.i18n',
# retrieving language information
@setup({'i18n28_2': '{% load i18n %}'
'{% get_language_info for "de" as l %}'
'{{ l.code }}: {{ l.name }}/{{ l.name_local }} bidi={{ l.bidi }}'})
def test_i18n28_2(self):
output = self.engine.render_to_string('i18n28_2')
self.assertEqual(output, 'de: German/Deutsch bidi=False')
@setup({'i18n29': '{% load i18n %}'
'{% get_language_info for LANGUAGE_CODE as l %}'
'{{ l.code }}: {{ l.name }}/{{ l.name_local }} bidi={{ l.bidi }}'})
def test_i18n29(self):
output = self.engine.render_to_string('i18n29', {'LANGUAGE_CODE': 'fi'})
self.assertEqual(output, 'fi: Finnish/suomi bidi=False')
# Test whitespace in filter arguments
@setup({'i18n38': '{% load i18n custom %}'
'{% get_language_info for "de"|noop:"x y" as l %}'
'{{ l.code }}: {{ l.name }}/{{ l.name_local }}/'
'{{ l.name_translated }} bidi={{ l.bidi }}'})
def test_i18n38(self):
with translation.override('cs'):
output = self.engine.render_to_string('i18n38')
self.assertEqual(output, 'de: German/Deutsch/německy bidi=False')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from django.test import SimpleTestCase
from django.utils import translation
from ...utils import setup
class GetLanguageInfoListTests(SimpleTestCase):
libraries = {
'custom': 'template_tests.templatetags.custom',
'i18n': 'django.templatetags.i18n',
@setup({'i18n30': '{% load i18n %}'
'{% get_language_info_list for langcodes as langs %}'
'{% for l in langs %}{{ l.code }}: {{ l.name }}/'
'{{ l.name_local }} bidi={{ l.bidi }}; {% endfor %}'})
def test_i18n30(self):
output = self.engine.render_to_string('i18n30', {'langcodes': ['it', 'no']})
self.assertEqual(output, 'it: Italian/italiano bidi=False; no: Norwegian/norsk bidi=False; ')
@setup({'i18n31': '{% load i18n %}'
'{% get_language_info_list for langcodes as langs %}'
'{% for l in langs %}{{ l.code }}: {{ l.name }}/'
'{{ l.name_local }} bidi={{ l.bidi }}; {% endfor %}'})
def test_i18n31(self):
output = self.engine.render_to_string('i18n31', {'langcodes': (('sl', 'Slovenian'), ('fa', 'Persian'))})
'sl: Slovenian/Sloven\u0161\u010dina bidi=False; '
'fa: Persian/\u0641\u0627\u0631\u0633\u06cc bidi=True; '
@setup({'i18n38_2': '{% load i18n custom %}'
'{% get_language_info_list for langcodes|noop:"x y" as langs %}'
'{% for l in langs %}{{ l.code }}: {{ l.name }}/'
'{{ l.name_local }}/{{ l.name_translated }} '
'bidi={{ l.bidi }}; {% endfor %}'})
def test_i18n38_2(self):
with translation.override('cs'):
output = self.engine.render_to_string('i18n38_2', {'langcodes': ['it', 'fr']})
'it: Italian/italiano/italsky bidi=False; '
'fr: French/français/francouzsky bidi=False; '
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from threading import local
from django.template import Context, Template, TemplateSyntaxError
from django.test import SimpleTestCase, override_settings
from django.utils import translation
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.utils.translation import trans_real
from ...utils import setup
from .base import MultipleLocaleActivationTestCase, extended_locale_paths
class I18nTransTagTests(SimpleTestCase):
libraries = {'i18n': 'django.templatetags.i18n'}
@setup({'i18n01': '{% load i18n %}{% trans \'xxxyyyxxx\' %}'})
def test_i18n01(self):
"""simple translation of a string delimited by '."""
output = self.engine.render_to_string('i18n01')
self.assertEqual(output, 'xxxyyyxxx')
@setup({'i18n02': '{% load i18n %}{% trans "xxxyyyxxx" %}'})
def test_i18n02(self):
"""simple translation of a string delimited by "."""
output = self.engine.render_to_string('i18n02')
self.assertEqual(output, 'xxxyyyxxx')
@setup({'i18n06': '{% load i18n %}{% trans "Page not found" %}'})
def test_i18n06(self):
"""simple translation of a string to German"""
with translation.override('de'):
output = self.engine.render_to_string('i18n06')
self.assertEqual(output, 'Seite nicht gefunden')
@setup({'i18n09': '{% load i18n %}{% trans "Page not found" noop %}'})
def test_i18n09(self):
"""simple non-translation (only marking) of a string to German"""
with translation.override('de'):
output = self.engine.render_to_string('i18n09')
self.assertEqual(output, 'Page not found')
@setup({'i18n20': '{% load i18n %}{% trans andrew %}'})
def test_i18n20(self):
output = self.engine.render_to_string('i18n20', {'andrew': 'a & b'})
self.assertEqual(output, 'a & b')
@setup({'i18n22': '{% load i18n %}{% trans andrew %}'})
def test_i18n22(self):
output = self.engine.render_to_string('i18n22', {'andrew': mark_safe('a & b')})
self.assertEqual(output, 'a & b')
@setup({'i18n23': '{% load i18n %}{% trans "Page not found"|capfirst|slice:"6:" %}'})
def test_i18n23(self):
"""Using filters with the {% trans %} tag (#5972)."""
with translation.override('de'):
output = self.engine.render_to_string('i18n23')
self.assertEqual(output, 'nicht gefunden')
@setup({'i18n24': '{% load i18n %}{% trans \'Page not found\'|upper %}'})
def test_i18n24(self):
with translation.override('de'):
output = self.engine.render_to_string('i18n24')
self.assertEqual(output, 'SEITE NICHT GEFUNDEN')
@setup({'i18n25': '{% load i18n %}{% trans somevar|upper %}'})
def test_i18n25(self):
with translation.override('de'):
output = self.engine.render_to_string('i18n25', {'somevar': 'Page not found'})
self.assertEqual(output, 'SEITE NICHT GEFUNDEN')
# trans tag with as var
@setup({'i18n35': '{% load i18n %}{% trans "Page not found" as page_not_found %}{{ page_not_found }}'})
def test_i18n35(self):
with translation.override('de'):
output = self.engine.render_to_string('i18n35')
self.assertEqual(output, 'Seite nicht gefunden')
@setup({'i18n36': '{% load i18n %}'
'{% trans "Page not found" noop as page_not_found %}{{ page_not_found }}'})
def test_i18n36(self):
with translation.override('de'):
output = self.engine.render_to_string('i18n36')
self.assertEqual(output, 'Page not found')
@setup({'template': '{% load i18n %}{% trans %}A}'})
def test_syntax_error_no_arguments(self):
msg = "'trans' takes at least one argument"
with self.assertRaisesMessage(TemplateSyntaxError, msg):
@setup({'template': '{% load i18n %}{% trans "Yes" badoption %}'})
def test_syntax_error_bad_option(self):
msg = "Unknown argument for 'trans' tag: 'badoption'"
with self.assertRaisesMessage(TemplateSyntaxError, msg):
@setup({'template': '{% load i18n %}{% trans "Yes" as %}'})
def test_syntax_error_missing_assignment(self):
msg = "No argument provided to the 'trans' tag for the as option."
with self.assertRaisesMessage(TemplateSyntaxError, msg):
@setup({'template': '{% load i18n %}{% trans "Yes" as var context %}'})
def test_syntax_error_missing_context(self):
msg = "No argument provided to the 'trans' tag for the context option."
with self.assertRaisesMessage(TemplateSyntaxError, msg):
@setup({'template': '{% load i18n %}{% trans "Yes" context as var %}'})
def test_syntax_error_context_as(self):
msg = "Invalid argument 'as' provided to the 'trans' tag for the context option"
with self.assertRaisesMessage(TemplateSyntaxError, msg):
@setup({'template': '{% load i18n %}{% trans "Yes" context noop %}'})
def test_syntax_error_context_noop(self):
msg = "Invalid argument 'noop' provided to the 'trans' tag for the context option"
with self.assertRaisesMessage(TemplateSyntaxError, msg):
@setup({'template': '{% load i18n %}{% trans "Yes" noop noop %}'})
def test_syntax_error_duplicate_option(self):
msg = "The 'noop' option was specified more than once."
with self.assertRaisesMessage(TemplateSyntaxError, msg):
@setup({'template': '{% load i18n %}{% trans "%s" %}'})
def test_trans_tag_using_a_string_that_looks_like_str_fmt(self):
output = self.engine.render_to_string('template')
self.assertEqual(output, '%s')
class TranslationTransTagTests(SimpleTestCase):
def test_template_tags_pgettext(self):
"""{% trans %} takes message contexts into account (#14806)."""
trans_real._active = local()
trans_real._translations = {}
with translation.override('de'):
# Nonexistent context...
t = Template('{% load i18n %}{% trans "May" context "nonexistent" %}')
rendered = t.render(Context())
self.assertEqual(rendered, 'May')
# Existing context... using a literal
t = Template('{% load i18n %}{% trans "May" context "month name" %}')
rendered = t.render(Context())
self.assertEqual(rendered, 'Mai')
t = Template('{% load i18n %}{% trans "May" context "verb" %}')
rendered = t.render(Context())
self.assertEqual(rendered, 'Kann')
# Using a variable
t = Template('{% load i18n %}{% trans "May" context message_context %}')
rendered = t.render(Context({'message_context': 'month name'}))
self.assertEqual(rendered, 'Mai')
t = Template('{% load i18n %}{% trans "May" context message_context %}')
rendered = t.render(Context({'message_context': 'verb'}))
self.assertEqual(rendered, 'Kann')
# Using a filter
t = Template('{% load i18n %}{% trans "May" context message_context|lower %}')
rendered = t.render(Context({'message_context': 'MONTH NAME'}))
self.assertEqual(rendered, 'Mai')
t = Template('{% load i18n %}{% trans "May" context message_context|lower %}')
rendered = t.render(Context({'message_context': 'VERB'}))
self.assertEqual(rendered, 'Kann')
# Using 'as'
t = Template('{% load i18n %}{% trans "May" context "month name" as var %}Value: {{ var }}')
rendered = t.render(Context())
self.assertEqual(rendered, 'Value: Mai')
t = Template('{% load i18n %}{% trans "May" as var context "verb" %}Value: {{ var }}')
rendered = t.render(Context())
self.assertEqual(rendered, 'Value: Kann')
class MultipleLocaleActivationTransTagTests(MultipleLocaleActivationTestCase):
def test_single_locale_activation(self):
Simple baseline behavior with one locale for all the supported i18n
with translation.override('fr'):
self.assertEqual(Template("{% load i18n %}{% trans 'Yes' %}").render(Context({})), 'Oui')
def test_multiple_locale_trans(self):
with translation.override('de'):
t = Template("{% load i18n %}{% trans 'No' %}")
with translation.override(self._old_language), translation.override('nl'):
self.assertEqual(t.render(Context({})), 'Nee')
def test_multiple_locale_deactivate_trans(self):
with translation.override('de', deactivate=True):
t = Template("{% load i18n %}{% trans 'No' %}")
with translation.override('nl'):
self.assertEqual(t.render(Context({})), 'Nee')
def test_multiple_locale_direct_switch_trans(self):
with translation.override('de'):
t = Template("{% load i18n %}{% trans 'No' %}")
with translation.override('nl'):
self.assertEqual(t.render(Context({})), 'Nee')
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from django.template import Context, Template
from django.test import SimpleTestCase
from django.utils import translation
from ...utils import setup
from .base import MultipleLocaleActivationTestCase
class MultipleLocaleActivationTests(MultipleLocaleActivationTestCase):
def test_single_locale_activation(self):
Simple baseline behavior with one locale for all the supported i18n
with translation.override('fr'):
self.assertEqual(Template("{{ _('Yes') }}").render(Context({})), 'Oui')
# Literal marked up with _() in a filter expression
def test_multiple_locale_filter(self):
with translation.override('de'):
t = Template("{% load i18n %}{{ 0|yesno:_('yes,no,maybe') }}")
with translation.override(self._old_language), translation.override('nl'):
self.assertEqual(t.render(Context({})), 'nee')
def test_multiple_locale_filter_deactivate(self):
with translation.override('de', deactivate=True):
t = Template("{% load i18n %}{{ 0|yesno:_('yes,no,maybe') }}")
with translation.override('nl'):
self.assertEqual(t.render(Context({})), 'nee')
def test_multiple_locale_filter_direct_switch(self):
with translation.override('de'):
t = Template("{% load i18n %}{{ 0|yesno:_('yes,no,maybe') }}")
with translation.override('nl'):
self.assertEqual(t.render(Context({})), 'nee')
# Literal marked up with _()
def test_multiple_locale(self):
with translation.override('de'):
t = Template("{{ _('No') }}")
with translation.override(self._old_language), translation.override('nl'):
self.assertEqual(t.render(Context({})), 'Nee')
def test_multiple_locale_deactivate(self):
with translation.override('de', deactivate=True):
t = Template("{{ _('No') }}")
with translation.override('nl'):
self.assertEqual(t.render(Context({})), 'Nee')
def test_multiple_locale_direct_switch(self):
with translation.override('de'):
t = Template("{{ _('No') }}")
with translation.override('nl'):
self.assertEqual(t.render(Context({})), 'Nee')
# Literal marked up with _(), loading the i18n template tag library
def test_multiple_locale_loadi18n(self):
with translation.override('de'):
t = Template("{% load i18n %}{{ _('No') }}")
with translation.override(self._old_language), translation.override('nl'):
self.assertEqual(t.render(Context({})), 'Nee')
def test_multiple_locale_loadi18n_deactivate(self):
with translation.override('de', deactivate=True):
t = Template("{% load i18n %}{{ _('No') }}")
with translation.override('nl'):
self.assertEqual(t.render(Context({})), 'Nee')
def test_multiple_locale_loadi18n_direct_switch(self):
with translation.override('de'):
t = Template("{% load i18n %}{{ _('No') }}")
with translation.override('nl'):
self.assertEqual(t.render(Context({})), 'Nee')
class I18nStringLiteralTests(SimpleTestCase):
"""translation of constant strings"""
libraries = {'i18n': 'django.templatetags.i18n'}
@setup({'i18n13': '{{ _("Password") }}'})
def test_i18n13(self):
with translation.override('de'):
output = self.engine.render_to_string('i18n13')
self.assertEqual(output, 'Passwort')
@setup({'i18n14': '{% cycle "foo" _("Password") _(\'Password\') as c %} {% cycle c %} {% cycle c %}'})
def test_i18n14(self):
with translation.override('de'):
output = self.engine.render_to_string('i18n14')
self.assertEqual(output, 'foo Passwort Passwort')
@setup({'i18n15': '{{ absent|default:_("Password") }}'})
def test_i18n15(self):
with translation.override('de'):
output = self.engine.render_to_string('i18n15', {'absent': ''})
self.assertEqual(output, 'Passwort')
@setup({'i18n16': '{{ _("<") }}'})
def test_i18n16(self):
with translation.override('de'):
output = self.engine.render_to_string('i18n16')
self.assertEqual(output, '<')
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