Kaydet (Commit) a44fc008 authored tarafından Tim Graham's avatar Tim Graham Kaydeden (comit) GitHub

Fixed #27217 -- Fixed crash in CreateModel optimization with models that use mixins.

Thanks Simon Charette for review.
üst 9e07a9b5
......@@ -109,7 +109,10 @@ class CreateModel(ModelOperation):
return True
# Check we didn't inherit from the model
models_to_check = [base for base in self.bases if base is not models.Model]
models_to_check = [
base for base in self.bases
if base is not models.Model and isinstance(base, (models.base.ModelBase, six.string_types))
# Check we have no FKs/M2Ms with it
for fname, field in self.fields:
if field.remote_field:
......@@ -4,11 +4,12 @@ import unittest
from django.db import connection, migrations, models, transaction
from django.db.migrations.migration import Migration
from django.db.migrations.operations import CreateModel
from django.db.migrations.state import ProjectState
from django.db.models.fields import NOT_PROVIDED
from django.db.transaction import atomic
from django.db.utils import IntegrityError
from django.test import override_settings, skipUnlessDBFeature
from django.test import SimpleTestCase, override_settings, skipUnlessDBFeature
from .models import FoodManager, FoodQuerySet, UnicodeModel
from .test_base import MigrationTestBase
......@@ -2414,3 +2415,9 @@ class SwappableOperationTests(OperationTestBase):
with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
operation.database_forwards('test_rminigsw', editor, project_state, new_state)
operation.database_backwards('test_rminigsw', editor, new_state, project_state)
class TestCreateModel(SimpleTestCase):
def test_references_model_mixin(self):
CreateModel('name', [], bases=(Mixin, models.Model)).references_model('other_model')
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