Kaydet (Commit) a542b808 authored tarafından Łukasz Langa's avatar Łukasz Langa

Removed a confusing duplicate SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN header

The note is clearly a part of MESSAGE_STORAGE documentation. As a separate
section, it broke automatic link generation on the HTML version of the
üst 4ba1c2e7
......@@ -2231,6 +2231,9 @@ Controls where Django stores message data. Valid values are:
See :ref:`message storage backends <message-storage-backends>` for more details.
The backends that use cookies -- ``CookieStorage`` and ``FallbackStorage`` --
use the value of :setting:`SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN` when setting their cookies.
.. setting:: MESSAGE_TAGS
......@@ -2262,18 +2265,6 @@ to override. See :ref:`message-displaying` above for more details.
according to the values in the above :ref:`constants table
.. _messages-session_cookie_domain:
Default: ``None``
The storage backends that use cookies -- ``CookieStorage`` and
``FallbackStorage`` -- use the value of :setting:`SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN` in
setting their cookies.
.. _settings-sessions:
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