Kaydet (Commit) b23d2640 authored tarafından Tim Graham's avatar Tim Graham Kaydeden (comit) GitHub

Fixed #27887 -- Fixed URLs check crash with namespaced URLs inside non-namespaced URLs.

üst 6b47431a
......@@ -60,7 +60,10 @@ def _load_all_namespaces(resolver, parents=()):
if getattr(url, 'namespace', None) is not None
for pattern in url_patterns:
current = parents + (getattr(pattern, 'namespace', ()),)
namespace = getattr(pattern, 'namespace', None)
current = parents
if namespace is not None:
current += (namespace,)
namespaces.extend(_load_all_namespaces(pattern, current))
return namespaces
......@@ -15,4 +15,6 @@ urlpatterns = [
# 'nested' is included twice but namespaced by nested-1 and nested-2.
url(r'^app-ns1-2/', include(nested_url_patterns, namespace='nested-1')),
url(r'^app-ns1-3/', include(nested_url_patterns, namespace='nested-2')),
# namespaced URLs inside non-namespaced URLs.
url(r'^app-ns1-4/', include([url(r'^abc/', include(common_url_patterns))])),
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