Kaydet (Commit) cecd6561 authored tarafından Adam Johnson's avatar Adam Johnson Kaydeden (comit) Tim Graham

Simplified deployment checklist docs on customizing error views.

üst adfdb9f1
......@@ -252,11 +252,6 @@ Customize the default error views
Django includes default views and templates for several HTTP error codes. You
may want to override the default templates by creating the following templates
in your root template directory: ``404.html``, ``500.html``, ``403.html``, and
``400.html``. The default views should suffice for 99% of Web applications, but
if you desire to customize them, see these instructions which also contain
details about the default templates:
* :ref:`http_not_found_view`
* :ref:`http_internal_server_error_view`
* :ref:`http_forbidden_view`
* :ref:`http_bad_request_view`
``400.html``. The :ref:`default error views <error-views>` that use these
templates should suffice for 99% of Web applications, but you can
:ref:`customize them <customizing-error-views>` as well.
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