Kaydet (Commit) d9d24c45 authored tarafından Tim Graham's avatar Tim Graham

Fixed warnings in admindocs; refs #20126.

üst f53059b4
......@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ the following:
* Install the docutils Python module (http://docutils.sf.net/).
* **Optional:** Linking to templates requires the :setting:`ADMIN_FOR`
setting to be configured.
* **Optional:** Using the admindocs bookmarklets requires the
:mod:`XViewMiddleware<django.contrib.admindocs.middleware>` to be installed.
* **Optional:** Using the admindocs bookmarklets requires
``django.contrib.admindocs.middleware.XViewMiddleware`` to be installed.
Once those steps are complete, you can start browsing the documentation by
going to your admin interface and clicking the "Documentation" link in the
......@@ -157,6 +157,5 @@ Using these bookmarklets requires that you are either logged into the
:mod:`Django admin <django.contrib.admin>` as a
:class:`~django.contrib.auth.models.User` with
:attr:`~django.contrib.auth.models.User.is_staff` set to `True`, or that the
:mod:`XViewMiddleware <django.contrib.admindocs.middleware>` is installed and
you are accessing the site from an IP address listed in
``XViewMiddleware`` is installed and you are accessing the site from an IP
address listed in :setting:`INTERNAL_IPS`.
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